a winner. grateful and thankful to God amidst sufferings

Myra Itorralba

Best Refinement in Sufferings: 5 Topnotch Justifications Why God Let You Momentously Suffer?

reasons why god let you suffer


In this ephemeral world we live in, it’s not purely refreshingly a comfy life we will have– as all will be absolutely enduring joy and sorrow, happiness and sufferings. God will sometimes substantially concede for you to sustain emotional pain and sufferings.

Today we will be rationally discussing what are the distinct topnotch justifications why God let you momentously suffer and sustain refinement in sufferings and trials in life.

Whether you are a Christian or not, a Jew or Gentile– at times you will contextually live through excruciating pain and sufferings too. Even our LORD Jesus significantly from heaven came down here on our earth and had endured both unpleasant and wonderful happenings.

He has also magnanimously experienced how it is to suffer in an awful pain and go through the fiercely fire of trials for a greater purpose. The roaring fire also consumes him just like with us human race, the same holds true for his followers and believers. But there are no storm in our life that our eminent Most High God cannot calm.

LORD Jesus has already exceedingly conquered everything in this world and beyond. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

A man drawing near to God despite of trials and sufferings
A man drawing near to God and His Holy Book despite of trials and sufferings

Best Refinement in Sufferings: 5 Topnotch Justifications Why God Let You Momentously Suffer

1.God is Teaching you a Vital Lesson

Thats God’s way of teaching us the human race a vital lesson because he magnanimously loves us. There are exceptional instances in our life that God allows us to exemplary experience affliction so that due to that suffering we will learn. At times we need to be hurt first in order for us to attentively learn. Sometimes in life we dont learn evasively yet until we experience typical sufferings and brokenness.

God allows suffering so you will distinctly learn more and so the next time that occurs again you will invariably know what to do so you won’t have to emotionally suffer again because you have already sustainably learned from it. You have to undergo that certain trial in life to specifically learn. God wants you to see something vital in that situation, and other times you are not where exactly God wants you to be so he has to pull you out from there to lead you where you ought to be for a greater breakthrough in your life.

You are experiencing it for your own betterment because God knows what’s best for you being your Heavenly Father. Hence, just let these pain hone you and refine you for the greater glory of the LORD, giving thanks in everything.

Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

2. So that you will rely solely on our God

There are some people they dont rely on God not until they have excruciating sufferings too. They don’t have an essential faith in God and live a lifeless life. Hence, he sends you trials and sufferings because he sees that’s the only way you will wholly come to him and earnestly seek his face; Hence, Sovereign God will really allow you to achingly suffer pain in life for your betterment, well-being or welfare. It’s eminently worth it to experience suffering for in return you will immensely get closer with the LORD Almighty, and you will incredibly trust more on the LORD.

Unless we incredibly suffer, we distressingly lean more on our self and to other people around us rather than on enormously leaning and trusting more on the LORD. When the time comes that we can’t awfully trust anymore to a dang surrounding people that’s the time the LORD eminently uses the situation and we humbly come to him and intensely call on him on bended knees. The more how extremely the pain is, the more the surpassing reason for us to humbly come to the LORD. While you are undergoing that awful pain and suffering the more the reason that you will eminently go more closer to God.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

turning to god on church amidst suffering
Turning to God on church amidst pain &suffering

3. God is testing your faith

Your faith won’t grow without undergoing excruciating pain and suffering yourself. God will test what you will intensely do after the trial– its either you will surpassingly continue following the LORD or you will terribly fall away from Gods presence. There are some people when they are in extreme pain they depart and move away from the Almighty God, but there are also a large number of people who triumphantly recourse to come closer to the LORD despite the trials. God will suitably test how satisfactorily deep is your faith and belief in Him.

How can you make your faith substantially grow if your life is only full of an adequate blessings and good things. You may heavily suffer now but after you will victoriously traverse and level up in faith– its replacement will be overpouring of huge blessings and joy with the LORD. If you are in a predominant pain now yet that implies a wondrous blessing in disguise, that implies God is testing your faith. and while God is testing your faith, once you have overcome it God will be happy with you as his child– you will be chased by a great breakthrough, you will be chased by great blessings from heaven.

Testing of faith. ~James 1: 2-4~

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

4. God is strengthening you

There are a few when they are in dynamite of pain and suffering, they get more forlornly weaker and gives up quickly. Yet that is not the case if you are a Christian because once you are a Christian once you are hurting the more you become divinely stronger in your faith and have a sensational walk with the LORD. That suffering we are experiencing right now that is what makes us splendidly stronger in the LORD.

The process is sometimes much excruciatingly painful but remember after that you will come out superlatively stronger and marvelously strengthened by God Most High. The LORD is wonderfully working on you and will make you splendidly stronger while you are in the process of pain and suffering.

You will see that you’ve become a magnificent different person because of the LORD Jesus Christ you have become satisfyingly whole and complete. So, you ought not be weak but enchantingly stronger with every trial in life because of your towering faith. Because you have faith and hope with the King of Kings, the LORD of LORDs– Lord Jesus.

2 Corinthians 4:17

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

5. To make you whole and complete

There are times that God will grind and smash you, crush you not to break you but for your wonderfully restoration in your faith. If your family is already broken ruined and relationships is already ripped apart, the only one who can divinely fix that is God Almighty. the only one whom you can depend on is Adonai God our Creator. Sometimes God allows for you to be torn in order to make a new one, renewed, recharged to make you wonderfully whole again. Holy God can easily revitalizing make you whole again once you have suffered.

In every predicament and excruciating suffering, the greater God will make you completely whole again. Because once you are fully whole already– then what is there that needs fixing yet in you. Once you are already broken and hurting the more you will feel God’s rejuvenating presence in the midst of everything. God is marvelously restoring you once you are in pain. After you are in pain, there is a great winning restoration happening, there is a new hope, a new life. Because God will make you whole again after you’ve been hurting.

After the pain, God will let you see something vital, God is gonna reveal something beautiful to you. You will experience wonderful revival from the LORD as long as you believe faithfully on Him. After the affliction and pain comes refreshing healing. Because God is magnanimously preparing you for something bigger for his greater glory. Part of every battle and pain is suffering– then comes triumph. Your life with Jesus won’t go far if you won’t undergo pain in life.

Under the LORD’s sovereign providence, satan causes Job to lose his children, servants and wealth. Yet Job’s faith didn’t waver at all amidst the great trials. He blesses the name of God, acknowledging God is ultimately in control. (Job 1:13-33)

bible-study-friends-holding-hands-praying-for. amidst sufferings
Bible study &friends holding hands praying amidst sufferings

1 Peter 5:10

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

In every mountain you have to face– Look up to God, giving thanks in everything. God loves you and offers a magnificent plan for your life and your family because you are a child of God. With every great suffering and pain are great opportunity for growth and transformation with the LORD.

Overcoming your trials is receiving God’s comfort and God equips you to share that comfort to others who are in aching pain. It is when we turn to the LORD that we find peace and calm and love. In the midst of the difficult challenging times, it is always comforting to pray and turn to the Holy Word of God, the Holy Bible which always produces comfort. hope and strength. It’s an opportunity to mature in Christ and in our faith.

Motivational Song of Don Moen

An Evening of Hope with Don Moen // FULL CONCERT (feat. Lenny LeBlanc) – YouTube

Motivational Song of Hillsong United

What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship – YouTube

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