move to dance

Ralph Erving I. Tabañag

Move to Dance: 5 Amazing Healthy Benefits

dancing as exercise, physical activity

In an IT digital era characterized by an increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the imperative of movements cannot be overstated. The human physique is innately wired to be in a constant motion—to explore, to engage, and to express. Amid this spectrum of physicality, one avenue stands out as an exhilarating and profoundly joyful medium: move to dance.

Dance transcends being a mere art form; it evolves into an extraordinary channel to nurture holistic well-being, encompassing both physical and mental spheres. From amplifying cardiovascular vitality to enriching psychological equilibrium, the kaleidoscope of dance’s advantages mirrors the diversity of its artistry.

In this article, we embark on an odyssey through the five (5) remarkable and wholesome benefits that unfurl by embracing the art of movement—embodied magnificently in the tapestry of move to dance.

 Move your body and dance as it increases the stability and health of your brain
Move your body and dance as it increases the stability and health of your heart and brain

Five (5) Amazing Healthy Benefits of Dancing

1. Cardiovascular Exuberance

Dance unfurls as an unparalleled cardiovascular marvel, orchestrating a symphony of heartbeats and coursing vitality. The cadence of dance, often accompanied by an uptempo melody, propels the heart into a fervent rhythm, igniting an intensified circulatory fervor. The kinetic elegance of various dance genres—be it the fiery allure of salsa, the rhythmic pulse of hip-hop, or the poised grandeur of ballet—engenders an immersive aerobic exercise. With every choreographed move, the heart races, triggering a cascade of benefits, including augmented circulation and expanded lung capacity. The crescendo of consistent dance engagement eventually culminates in a heart that beats robustly, guarded against the specter of heart ailments, and infused with newfound stamina.

Moreover, dance’s repertoire transcends mere linear motion. The diverse spectrum of dynamic movements, coupled with multi-dimensional choreography, fashions an intricate tapestry of muscular involvement. This panorama of movement not only sustains the exercise’s allure but also confers a manifold enhancement in cardiovascular fitness.

Fact: According to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, dance has been shown to have positive effects on cardiovascular health, leading to improvements in heart rate, blood pressure, and overall cardiovascular endurance.

2. Muscular Vigor and Tenacity

Beyond the veneer of grace, dance emanates as a crucible of strength and persistence. The act of propelling one’s body against gravity while synchronizing intricate footwork activates an ensemble of muscle clusters, fostering a resplendent fusion of tone and robustness. From the dynamic leaps that hallmark contemporary dance to the meticulous poise encapsulated in ballroom routines, dance unfailingly galvanizes a comprehensive muscle symphony.

In tandem with strength, dance cultivates an environment conducive to muscular endurance. The ceaseless fluidity of motion—a hallmark of dance—stipulates extended periods of exertion. This perpetual movement pattern bequeaths a treasure trove of endurance and resistance, gifting the body with fortitude and perseverance. From the core’s resilient core to the lower limbs’ sinewy stratum, dance resonates as an embodiment of full-spectrum fortification.

Fact: A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that dancers exhibit higher muscular strength and endurance compared to sedentary individuals, highlighting the physical benefits of dance training.

3. Flexibility and the Arc of Motion

Flexibility, often consigned to the periphery of fitness dialogues, assumes an exalted position within dance’s embrace. Myriad dance forms necessitate the execution of pliable stretches and elaborate movements, the consistent practice of which begets a gradual metamorphosis in flexibility. The enduring commitment to dance erects a scaffold of limber muscles, transmuting into an enhanced range of motion within joints. This transformative journey within the body instills benefits that reverberate beyond the dance floor—a semblance of posture and a diminution in susceptibility to injuries.

From ballet’s ethereal elongations—crafting aesthetically extended contours—to hip-hop’s vivacious undulations necessitating fluid hip rotations, dance beckons the body to traverse its entire repertoire of movement. In the wake of these movements lies a symphony of articulated joints, lubricated and primed for explorations within the arc of motion.

Fact: A study published in the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science revealed that dance training leads to significant improvements in flexibility and joint range of motion, particularly in the lower limbs and spine.

4. Cognitive Flourish

The dividends of dance extend their embrace beyond corporeal dimensions, permeating the cognitive expanse with an effulgent brilliance. The acquisition and execution of intricate choreographies entail cognitive faculty deployment. The internalization of sequences, interwoven with transitions, punctuates the brain’s sanctum with bursts of synaptic activity, amplifying memory retention acumen. This cognitive foray bodes particularly well for fortifying cognitive reserves as the sands of time inexorably trickle.

For good heart functions, move and dance!
For good heart functions, move and dance!

Dance also engineers an augmentation of coordination and proprioceptive faculties—the consciousness of the body’s spatiotemporal orientation. This augmented spatial acumen burgeons into enhanced equilibrium and curbed vulnerability to falls. The nuanced choreographies, intrinsic to partner dances like the tango, unfurl an intricate cognitive tapestry, necessitating rapid-fire decisions and, in the process, nourishing mental alacrity.

Fact: Research published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience suggests that dance interventions have the potential to enhance cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and executive function in older adults.

5. Emotional Elevation and Stress Dissolution

Dance weaves an enigmatic tapestry that kindles the embers of euphoria and fosters emotional upswings. The fusion of music, movement, and self-expression engenders a serotonin surge—an orchestration of the body’s internal jubilation. The ephemeral moments while dancing—imbued with rhythmic vitality—usher in a melange of elation and contentment, enduring well past the culmination of the dance.

Beyond the realm of elation lies dance’s mantle of stress alchemy. In an epoch teeming with stresses and anxieties, dance serendipitously emerges as a cathartic release. The seamless fusion of movement and mindfulness casts away accumulated tensions, offering a harmonious avenue to vent emotions and discharge stress. This meditative dimension of dance unfurls as a therapeutic overture for emotional well-being, embracing a realm of profound tranquility.

Fact: Studies such as the one published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology indicate that dance programs can effectively reduce stress and improve mood among participants, contributing to overall emotional well-being.


In an advance IT digital era where sedentary habits cast an ominous shadow, the integration of movement assumes the mantle of imperative for sustenance of vitality. Within this milieu, dance emerges as a kaleidoscope of kinetic vivacity, embodying a pantheon of healthy cognitive, corporeal and mental benefits. From the crescendo of cardiovascular splendor to the crescendo of emotional exuberance, move to dance unfurls its arms in a resplendent embrace– a great activity with friends or with family.

As you sway to the rhythm of life’s melody, let dance—unencumbered by inhibition—guide your voyage towards a tapestry interwoven with well-being. The journey beckons—dancingly.

Bible Verse

Psalm 149:3
Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp

Well, we all know there’s a time to move to dance for our physical needs. But the Lord, the God that created us is also in thirst with our rejoicing to Him through our dancing. In everything give thanks to the LORD our God the father and God the Son Lord Jesus thru our prayer communion with him, praise and worship and dancing. Dance for God if you love Him! Get in tune with the LORD.

Move and Watch These Videos

  1. Dancing is Good for the Brain – DOCTOR explains!
  2. Health Benefits Of Dancing Everyday
  3. How We Can Dance Our Way to Better Mental Health | Anna Duberg | TEDxKI

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