intelligence quotient

Myra Itorralba

The Psychology of Your Child’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ): 15 Brain Fuels—How to Best Develop It?

intelligence quotient, research findings

intelligence quotient
Psychology of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of your happy children. How to best develop them?

The Psychology of your child’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ): brain fuel—how to best develop it?

How to develop your child’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and make their brain smile?

Are you finding it somehow downright challenging to make your child study a few days in advance before the school’s quizzes? Are you having a customarily toilsome verbal conflict over studying with your child prior to the examination day? What is the workable course of action on how to evolve and how to best develop your child’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ)?

How do you profoundly season the intelligence quotient (IQ) of your children? What are the salutatory beneficial tools with somewhat that are relatively useful in achieving an end with their poor study habits?

And instead enhance their motivation to learn at school and further enhance their sense of responsibility whilst at the same time enjoying their childhood developmental stage. Redirecting your child’s interest in school and intelligence quotient (IQ) may be arduously challenging yet highly achievable in the long run.

intelligence quotient
Psychology of Intelligence Quotient (IQ)- how to best develop it?

15 Lists on How to Develop your Children’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Make Their Brain Smile

  1. ofRevitalize the vital learnings of your child. Diligently coach them to interestingly learn a new language and or new dialects. Learning the culture and good habits of other people via educational books or educational videos may be basically fascinating for your kids. Plus, there are a multitude of even an educational platform online, like via YouTube, with categories of learning and education.
  2. Never let your kids watch the mischievous “tom and jerry” show and other related dilapidated, unhealthy and bad influence cartoon network channel. Rather, guide them the significance to pass the time with highly motivated people, high in Emotional Quotient (EQ) and immensely emotionally secure with themselves as individuals of the same age and older than them, and people with healthy, happy childhood. This lessens the chance for a school to drop out in the future, and lessens the chance to have an unhealthy bully type of child or a rascal child.
  3. It is imperative for you and your child altogether to spend more time with brilliant people you know or very close associates, or with the brainy elderly family/ relatives or intelligent close friends and eventually learn from them. It would be great if you, as a parent, are physically present with your child as well. Who your child often goes with influence your child’s predominantly behavior and learnings.
  4. Teach your child to focus their energy one at a time solely on one (1) main thing. Don’t let them do a multi-tasking work. If your child learns to focus on one thing, your child can eventually filter things that are really of great relevance from those that are not at all. Your child will learn to constructively prioritize their time and achieve their end target.
  5. Invariably, have a balance healthy diet on your dining table for the entire family and your kids. Train your child to love eating more of the plant base foods. Model as a parent how it is to immensely consume fresh fruits and veggies habitually and its lifetime benefits.
  6. Exercise together as a family in the great outdoors, shake that buttocks and sweat some more. Exercise with your child at least 30 minutes a day or 3x a week early in the morning from 5am to 9am so that subsequently a magnanimous of your healthy blood, flow and circulates continually towards your brain. Yet be closely heedful. It’s not entirely a rigorous one wherein you may totally feel burn out just by the mere rigid exercise alone. A simple walking in your garden or in the fields as a family for 30 minutes or an hour will do trice a week.
  7. Dance for 30 minutes 3x a day. Dancing requires an ample amount of memorization, predominant coordination and balance. Consummately a perfect thing to execute performing if you want to boost your cognitive skills and that of your child, together.
  8. Typically, treat your child fairly. Reward your child when they got high scores on their quizzes and exams. Recompense their academic attainments. This can be a trip to your child’s fave theme park, or a simple trip to gelato corner for the whole family—this goes a long way for your child’s developmental stage. Hard work brings its own reward for kids.
  9. With a steady continuity—read on local or international newspapers’ current events, and or on morning and evening tv news with your child, especially on weekends, e.g. BBC News, CNN News, Fox News and a lot more here and abroad.
  10. Spend time with the outdoors with the entire family. Make the environment their classroom. This relaxes your child from the hustle bustle of everyday life in the city and everyone else in the family. These further release a happy hormone to your child, and even the rest of the family members. This can be a simple picnic at the local park or a great weekend at the beach resort once or twice a month.
  11. Socialize. Mingle with longtime close friends and close relatives. Visiting the grandparents plays a very vital role too, both in the cognitive development and behavioral development of your child. Henceforth, set a time once a month to visit your own parents and bring your kids with you. The unconditional love kids get from grannies transforms the kids to a kind-hearted and responsible person.
  12. Learn new music instruments. Studies have shown that pupils and students in music programs scored better in English, Science and in Math than the ones who have no music training at all. Even the Neurosciences Institute study shows a significant high performance between music and language processing. Stanford University study shows that mastering a musical instrument develops the human brain of your child on how it processes spoken languages and numbers, and even for the ones struggling with their reading skills as a child.
  13. Provide pets. Pets like dogs aid social interactions for your children, improve communication skills of children, teach them Life Skills and responsibility, build emotional quotient (EQ), have better general health, be more physically active and help them build a stronger relationship.
  14. Educational Board games e.g. chess, crossword puzzle, visionary games, globe miniature amongst others highly improve the broad cognitive skills in children, reasoning and comprehension, knowledge, short-term memory and the speed in processing as this increases brain activity. Chess and crossword puzzle promotes brain growth and become faster in thought processing, much better than a computer processor.
  15. Pray. Teach your child to value prayer. Praying implies working through recollection and occurrences and concentrates on keenness of mind. It likewise points out the mise-en-scene of deeper relations with a Higher Being, a Sovereign God. And above all, God commands us to pray. (Colossians 4: 2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.)
intelligence quotient
Intelligence quotient of your child—how to best develop them?

5 Superfoods That Boost Brainpower and Make Your Brain Smile

  1. Power Green veggies like the kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard leaf rich in vitamin K, lutein, and beta-carotene are all significant healthy nutrients for the brain of your child. Studies made by Harvard University show that these specific kinds of the plant-based foods help slow down the cognitive decline—young or elderly. Asparagus is highly beneficial for its brain function because of its Vitamin B12. Studies have shown that people with Vitamin B12 deficiency have a higher risk of cognitive decline. Spinach is on the top list because of its folate aside from its Vit C and potassium-folate that’s good for your brain. Sweet potatoes make it on the list because of its high in beta-carotene, which is good for the brain. Carrots boost the brain too because of its luteolin compound.
  2. Fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury content like salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, cod, and fresh sardines—its healthy unsaturated fats lower blood vessels of beta amyloid the protein that damage the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Avocados, walnuts, cashew nuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds are linked to better brain, and are terrestrial Omega 3 sources that have been linked to lower your blood pressure and cleanse arteries. That results in a healthy heart, a healthy brain, and improves memory. The iron, zinc and magnesium in the pumpkin seeds are all essential for better learning and memory. Same thing with walnuts, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts’ Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants have beneficial effects on brain health.
  4. Power fruit berries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries, huckleberries, Juneberries, mulberries, nannyberries, quaberries, teaberries, Jamaican ugli berries, ollallieberries (a hybrid of blackberries & raspberries), olive berries (Mediterranean), grapes, dates, java plum or duhat, loganberries (crossbred from blackberry & raspberry), cherries, kiwi, guava and Oranges– its content of natural black pigments, Vitamin C, anthocyanins and antioxidants both is what helps improve memory. Ensuring that your daily meals have a mixture of fresh fruits and fresh veggies is a sure way of getting a healthy balance for your body and your brain.
  5. Whole grains e.g. the brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal which you still have to be cooked for few minutes (not the over-the-counter instant oatmeal), whole-grain bread and whole-grain pasta which all give a brain boosting goodness. Complex carbs like the whole grains are broken down more slowly as you eat it, hence sugar is being released gradually, allowing your body to function more efficiently, which is great for the healthy brain of your child.

If you want to be happy, educate yourself. If you want your child to be happy, educate your child and feed them love with plant-based healthy foods to boost the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Yet it’s equally important that education, belief in God and playtime with other kids of their own age to play a significant role too in their developmental stage.

Intelligence quotient
Healthy Foods for the thoughts.

Moms—Queen of the Home!

If you have a picky eater child, you can always slice veggies and mix it on top of your vegan homemade pizza oh this taste yummy, homemade vegan bread, homemade vegan cheeseburger patty, vegan meatballs, vegan homemade muffins and cakes, or even your kids’ fave pasta.

Plus, a Surprise Treat for Your Kids!

Mommies, you can even try the baked potato meal stuffed with lots of spinach and mozzarella inside, then toppled with cheddar cheese and Philadelphia cream. First layer is the thinly sliced potatoes, next in line are the sliced spinach and potatoes once more.

Finally, the star of the kitchen Philadelphia cream (or any cream available in your area, although Philadelphia cream taste incredibly better) covered with lots of mozzarella with 2 other kinds of gourmet cheeses to hide the veggies and add flavorful essence. Sprinkles of condense milk on top and Voila! It’s yummy and works all the time for my niece and nephews when I occasionally prepare it for them.

Moms, the dearly beloved Queen of the home—know that you are exceptionally valued, fabulously appreciated, and substantially love by your kids. All those days you tutor your kids on examination days, those days you cheer your kids on their school sports fest, speech fest and recognition days along with the family from parents, grandmas and titas.

And oh, your teens though they may have sometimes funny ways of showing it, but they simply love you. Who are the ones they foremost find when going home from school??? Naturally, it’s you—the mother. Your children get their motivation and strength from you each day—you matter, your brighten smile matters, your tasteful cooking matters, your deep-seated love matters, your ceaseless affection for your kids and family matters.

And all the love, all the 5am’s cooking time, all the best efforts, all your prayers and all the loving sacrifices you do each day for your kids and the family are greatly seen in heaven by the Supreme One who sits on His Colossal Sovereign throne above. He wants to say press on my daughter—Jesus loves you.

Hence, once more, it’s imperative to build your family around the Lord. Attend regular Sunday service together as a family, read the Holy Bible. Pray for everyone in your family—your children, your parents, your siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, church pastors, the leaders of the nations, pray for America, pray for Ukraine, pray for Israel. Pray for a great revival from the Sovereign One in Heaven.

God’s command for us to obediently pray also for Israel. It says in Psalm 122:6, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who loves you. Further, God says for Israel in Genesis 12: 2-3 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you. I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Have a Blessed month with the King of Kings—Lord Jesus!

Praise and Worship Songs

What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship

Don Moen – Thank You Lord | Live Worship Sessions –

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