brain anatomy booster and how to increase brain function

Myra Itorralba

5 Superb-Brain Booster: How to Increase Brain Function

brain booster

What are the superb-brain booster on how to increase brain function? What are the habits that are likely to be detrimental to your brain and how to counteract that?

We incessantly discover new and explore for ways in an effort to find sufficient resources on how to increase brain function to be able to keep our brain performing sharp and productive.

The digital age are quickly replacing the physical interaction and physical activities which is detrimental to one’s brain. Henceforth, there is an immense neediness for the human race to unplugged from earth-shattering usage of electronic devices, computer games and encompass a dosage of the essential social interactions in one’s day to day activities. Find ways to boost your brain hemispheres and how to increase brain function, why not start to take a walk outdoors with friends and many more.

Accomplishing even a small goal is ideally better on The human brains are hard wired for social and face to face interactions with family, friends’ relatives and business colleagues. These social interactions enhance the neural growth and give the brain hemispheres opportunities to force new connections, good memory and cognitive development- a superb way on how to increase brain function fully well.

Everybody has to start from scratch. Hence, start by aiming small and from there keep working on it till you aim for bigger and bigger achievements.

Athletes do exercise, keep practicing and take vitamins to enhance their physical performance. Individuals aim to sharpen their cognitive develpment with brain boosters and find ways on how to increase brain function.

The human brains are hard wired for social and face to face interactions with family, friends’ relatives and business colleagues. These social interactions enhance the neural growth and give the brain hemispheres opportunities to force new connections, good memory and cognitive development- a superb way on how to increase brain function.

Self-direction and motivation are when you intentionally rewire your brain hemispheres to create positive habits– paving the way for a superb-brain booster: how to increase brain function. It is done like it is now nearing December thus people have New Year’s resolutions wherein they train their brain some active reflections. It’s a method to break undesirable habits and make something new, something healthier.

These habits are triggered by brain cues such as during your birthday it culminates a feeling of happiness and joy through repetition of enjoyment in celebrations with family and close friends over the years.

brain anatomy brain booster
Brain anatomy brain booster on how to increase brain function

11 Habits that is Harmful for your Brain

1.Poor oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene leads to building up of bacteria in the mouth resulting to gums inflammation or gingivitis. This causes chronic infection called periodontitis which increase the risks of both cognitive decline and dementia. The germs can make their way from the mouth into the bloodstream and then into the brain.

According to the World Dental Association the ideal way is brushing your teeth 2x a day for just a quick two (2) to three (3) minutes like after breakfast and dinner. You may also utilize the ever-handy dandy mouthwash after lunch at the office.

2. Consuming too much scarry horror movies and negative news

Watching and reading too much scary horror movies and scary news unknowingly fills your brain with lots of negative thoughts and that’s not wholly good for you, more so for your children. The enemy of God can even penetrate into one’s brain by keeping on reading and watching scary horror movies and scary news online, either on the home television and scary horror books.

3. Skipping breakfast

Evenly distributed and well-timed regular meals are supreme key to a better cognitive wellbeing. Whilst skipping the vital first meal or breakfast take a harmful toll on the cognitive functions on a great deal.

Skipping breakfast incredibly deprives the brain of the relative fuel it needs to fully keep functioning each day and thereby forcing it to look for other source of energy but none thus losing the prerequisite focus on the brain hemisphere.

4. Social isolation

Human beings are exquisitely social creatures by nature– communicating with people in general e.g. neighbors, business colleagues, people at the workplace, friends and family. However, lack of social interaction with others can make you confoundingly feel alone, lonely, bitter in life, depressed and all the other negativities.

And thereby affecting brain functions and brain health which results to a perplexing cognitive decline and most importantly post a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease. This is so because they lose the gray matter in the brain which tremendously process information in the outer layer of the brain. Hence, reframing your brain into positivity is highly essential for brain booster and how to increase brain function.

5. Smoking

Smoking damages the lining of the blood vessels and leads to its narrowing which cause reduce blood flow to the subcortical brain regions. The less oxygenated blood that rains down on your brain, the fewer essential nutrients it receives. When a person smokes the nicotine in the cigarette and tobacco quickly reaches the brain in a matter of few seconds to 10 seconds which affects the brain, heart, blood vessels, and metabolism.

Smokers are more likely to suffer from stroke, stress, schizophrenia, dementia, cognitive decline and memory loss than the non-smokers. Try preparing for a better change, find another ways to deal with stress and get enough support from family and friends.

6. Too much screen time

Excessive daily screentime on gadgets and computer games makes your brain tired and make it harder for you to focus on other activities and worst making it harder for the brain to work for you, just like putting a smashing bombshell on your brain hemisphere.

Slowly it makes one an electronic devices screen addict, causing you to forget about other real-life things around. Studies on screentime and brain have shown reduce cortical thickness on the brain, digital eye strain, weight problem, headaches and impaired sleep.

7. Dietary salt

Too much salt in your diet is a fact that put high risk on cardiovascular disease and bloating. Excessive sodium in preserved foods, instant foods, dried fish etc. is associated with chronic diseases like high blood pressure, chronic hypertension

Moreover, it makes one feel swollen and puffier specially on the abdomen and eyes, swelling hands and feet, restrict the flow of the blood to the brain, negatively impair brain focus and memory, organizational skills and cognitive impairment. Thus, go for low sodium foods.

8. Staying in your room all day long

When you are inside all day long or isolation, you are more likely to have a sedentary life, stress, anxiety, sleep troubles, less social life. less interactive and decrease opportunity for reenforcing activities.

Staying in your room all day long till past your bedtime with your gadgets and computer likewise unknowingly fills your brain with lots of negative thoughts and that’s not good for you, more so you for your kids. The enemy of God can likewise penetrate into one’s brain by keeping on staying in your room.

You need sunlight for our body’s internal clock and to increase serotonin level, the mood boosting neurotransmitter for a positive mindset. Low levels of serotonin are often linked with mood swings, stress and depression– but heading outdoors regularly for outdoor activities and outdoor exercises can help these levels back up.

9. Consuming too much sugar

Eating sugary foods gives a quick energy boost, but this boost is short-lived. Soon after, your energy levels drop, and you might feel tired. These ups and downs affect your brain works.

Also, when you consume the equivalent amount of fresh fruit pineapple orange juice, the fiber has been strained out already hence lacking in the phytonutrients. Sugary drinks and bottled drinks are all associated with declined in cognitive function and other chronic diseases. Hence it is always healthier to eat whole fresh fruits– not drink it or make it into a fruit juice.

Being active sends more oxygen and nutrients to your brain, making it work better. It also helps you think more clearly, remember things and stay focused.

10. Poor sleeping habits

When you don’t get enough traditional sleep, your brain doesn’t get a chance to rest and repair itself. These results to problems with memory, attention, anemia, fatigue, feeling always tired, relapsing exhaustion, stress, kidney disease, lung disease, liver disease, dementia including Alzheimer’s disease.

If you have trouble sleeping– avoid overly consuming chocolates, alcohol and beverages, coffee, preserved foods, evening with electronic devices, gadgets and start a soothing good bedtime habit. A regular deep sleep is the most significant element in preserving good memory, focus and clarity of thinking.

11. Chronic stress

Chronic stress can kill brain cells and shrink the brain size particularly the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for learning and memory. Take some deep breaths and remind yourself that you dont always know what is best 100% but always look on the brighter side. Have a positive mind set. Pessimistic mood in excessive level results to decline in cognition health, memory, had more amyloid and tau deposits in the brain resulting to dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your brain and physique thus it is essential to take the steps to control your stress. Thus, its vital to have a healthy diet, engage in outdoor exercises, find ways to add humor and laughter in your daily life, and foster healthy relations with friends and family.

Try to do the following on how to increase brain function better.

healthy fruits and veggies are good food for the brain
How to increase brain function: Healthy fruits and veggies are good food for the brain

5 Superb-Brain Booster: How to Increase Brain Function

1. Grateful heart

Make a list of top 5 specific things that you are grateful for the week along with your goals and focus on those. Everyday upon waking up and before getting up in bed, simply thank the LORD for protecting you and your family every day. Likewise thanks the LORD for all the blessings you have received and thanking God for the coming blessings, giving thanks and glory to God.

Praying daily plays a significant role to show God our appreciation for every single thing He does in your life even in the rough time of trials and rough times– and be amazed on how you would feel the changes. It is in these trying times that God is waiting to be the only Strength you Need.

animals dog sports
Animals dog sports and other sports are healthy on how to increase brain function

2. Exercise &music therapy

Take some deep belly breaths over some relaxing music, and then breathe in breath out. Music stimulates the left-brain hemisphere, which is responsible for language, speech and mood-booster. Singing, dancing, jogging, walking, biking, swimming, playing tennis, badminton, basketball, volunteer in the community, and group Zumba ease anger, anxiety and stress.

Outdoor exercises improve the cognitive functioning, health and memory. Exercises increases serotonin and dopamine which enhance the individual’s sense of well-being, focus and memory enhancement. A lifetime regular exercise is best for boosting brain health, but it’s never too late to start now.

3. Brain booster healthy foods

Research have shown adding a variety of fresh fatty fish, omega 3 fatty acids fishes like tuna etc., turmeric, whole grains and plant base diet sharpen focus, improve memory, reduce the risk of cognitive decline– cholesterol levels get healthier and reduce the risk of dementia in the brain like beets, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds marang seeds, walnuts, mushrooms, avocados, apples, blueberries, strawberries, duhat java plum, berries fruit family, citrus fruits, spinach and all the green leafy veggies.

Inculcating nutrient rich foods increase your energy, stronger physique, and brain booster– a great way on how to increase brain function much better.

Buying plants can be indeed pretty pricey though, BUT growing them yourself in your garden and or backyard is a good alternative and even in your kitchen window panels.

beach people brain booster
How to increase brain function: Beach people walking barefoot on the sand is grounding therapy

4. Grounding therapy

Earthing and grounding therapy directly connects people and their bodies with the earth and use its natural electric energies to stabilize them.

Grounding therapy are exercises with nature that help you refocus on the present and stay away from negative unwanted memories and stress thru swimming at the beach, walking barefoot at the beach sand, sitting at the ground of nature fields, or simply sitting on the seashores with the tiny waves. This reduces pain, stress, and improvement of mental well-being.

This earthing and grounding therapy greatly helps in restoring the relevant link between the body and the electrical currents of the mother nature.

5. Prayerful

Studies have shown that praying decreases stress, anxiety, loneliness and fear factors. Praying involves all of the deeper parts of the brain specially the medial prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex. Pray always, giving thanks to the LORD Jesus and revel on the goodness of God over you and your family.

It’s highly crucial to have a good outlet to share feelings and know how others made it through who are going thru the same things as you are, and soul revival at the same time which is the most vital of all. Attend regular Sunday service with Christian pastor, group prayer meetings and group bible study. There is power in the name of Jesus.

~Philippians 4:6-7~

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In Philippians 4: 6-7, Sovereign God is giving us the best medical prescription ever and that is be a PRAYER WARRIOR. Allow the colossal powers of our Holy God to phenomenally work in your life and take control.

Praying every day and reading the Holy Book of God everyday help us fully centered back again and reminding us that we are not in charge. Our Mighty God Adonai is always in control yesterday, now and forevermore.

Motivational Song of Don Moen

Don Moen – Hallelujah To The Lamb | Praise and Worship Music – YouTube

Motivational Song of Hillsong United

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – Hillsong UNITED – Live in Israel – YouTube

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