
Ladies, in their quest to find their lifetime partner, eventually are confronted with this question: “Is he The One?” This article suggests 10 ways to answer this perplexing question to help you discern if he is the one.

The man basically makes the first move to proceed to another state of his feelings, from a simple normal crush to court a lady. Essentially, a man can choose freely to have preferences for what certain personalities he amply wants before he could carry out an earnest courtship.

It doesn’t imply, however, that a lady can’t select and decide after a thorough consideration. She can choose from someone her heart leads her, too, among her suitors. Choosing the one and how to know if he is the one colossally a challenging task that encompass a major decision-making.

Be heedful with careful prudence and weigh things. Most significance by the need to pray perpetually to discern if it’s God’s will—a deliberation and consultation with the LORD. And topmost of all — his delight in his relationship with the LORD.

If he doesn’t have an acquaintance with God by heart, run away ladies, ladies, for it’s a red sign he won’t be suitable physically, spiritually and mentally sound to lead a relationship with you. Ladies, look at the heart, the character and his genuine relationship with the LORD—one and only attributes or features that makeup and distinguish a man that truly counts and ultimately endures a lifetime relationship to commitment.

10 Ways to Know if He is the One

Everyone makes a choice in their life to reach their goals.

How to know if he is The One? Here are the ways:

  1. Godly. Ladies and gentlemen, a sincere man not only opens doors for you, likewise he opens his bible and pursues or follows it. It comprises the direction provided by God to live uprightly and grow in faith.
  2. Loves you next. Ladies and gentlemen, your distinctive, significant other can remarkably love you, only whilst they love God greater.
  3. Air of negativity. It will come with wavering hesitations, annoyance, exasperation, havoc and confusions in the event it’s not from God. But if it is sent by God, it comes with Momentous Confirmation.
  4. Attentive. He grasps and takes every single detail you express by heart and keeps them for ages. Being attentive shows he cares and makes you feel your significance in his life.
  5. Learning how to listen. Ask questions nicely. Get into your interest and do more things together. Get off his phone and be a good social media friend for you.
  6. Prayerful. A plus factor is being an earnestly prayerful person, with a favorable character, and seeks God foremost.
  7. Wants to make you happy. Meet the parents, you share some common interest and hobbies; he loves to shower you surprises on special occasions like birthdays, Valentines, Christmas, etc. Kindly refer to my article on How To Uprightly Court a Lady.
  8. Respects you. A man unquestionably loves you when he respects you’re free of impurity, unspoiled maidenhood or body characteristics of or befitting that of a virgin. Further, a co- psychologist in college, Brenzky have had narrated the significance of this determining factor to our group way back then, hence I and Dr Litzky, also our co-psychologist, have seconded the motion.
  9. Gives time. He spends quality time with you. Relationship should draw you both closer to God. The LORD is predominantly more important and of significant worth than anything else. You’ll know it’s true love when it brings you closer to God.
  10. Spirit-filled. He, too, must be led by the Holy Spirit. His King is Jesus! He does things to beget glory to God and walks that’s pleasing to God, not toward this world. (For all who are being led by the Holy Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. – Romans 8:11)

For Ladies

Ladies’ Corner: Patiently wait for a commendable character—a strong Christ following man who will safeguard, protect, inspire and encourage you in life and with your talents. Never settle for just some boy.

For Gentlemen

Gentlemen’s corner: Wait for a lady with an unmitigated pure heart and a daughter of God who will also build you up. Never settle for just some girl.

Biblical Foundations

Be humble yet brave and bold in God’s words, your gift. Deborah was a prayer warrior, who diligently address her petitions to God…. This noteworthy occurrence brought a 40 years of peace for Israel. She prayed with a firm basis for assurance, expecting God will deliver and give favorable results—and God did.

4 Bible verses to help you further:

  1. So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her (Genesis 29: 20).
  2. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers, for what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6: 14)?
  3. And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1: 6).
  4. For the LORD Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud trumpet, with the voice of the archangel, and the dead in Christ will rise first (1 Thessalonians 4: 16).


Elise, E. (2021). 15 Signs He’s The One – How to Know if He’s the One God Has for You. Retrieved 14 February 2022, from https://www.funandholy.com/blog/signshe’stheone

Lewis, A. (2022). Psychologists Reveal How You Know You’ve Found ‘The One’ | Fashion Beans. Retrieved 14 February 2022, from https://www.fashionbeans.com/content/how-you-know-youve-found-the-one/


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