
Myra Itorralba

Dog Care: How to Take Care of Your Furry Pet

dog care, dog care tips

Dog care is an essential part of owning a loving pet. Your adorable domesticated animal furry friend, pet dog, helps you in a lengthy manner. They’re a man’s dearest best friend and a soulful stress reliever. Furry dogs need extra care. I list tips on how to take care of furry dogs based on experience.

Educating them on some sportive playful tricks for their artful exercise enhances and strengthens their bone structure. Having adorable pets is marvelous in every way. Arduously taking care of them may be challenging and sweaty.

It takes a myriad of effort, groovy attempts, and a quality of responsibility. Having your furry friend in the abode and shelter for domestic animals is just so wonderful. It encompasses a considerable quantity of patience on a partial fraction of the pet owners.

Furry Dog Care

Suave caring for fur pets or puppies and dogs is like caring for delicate human babies. They’re just as fragile or lacking in vigor as children. Dog care brings with it dividends that are uncountable. Taking care of pets also requires time, money, and effort to maintain.

Despite this, multifold pet lovers continually still keep furry dogs as pets as they’re absolutely a relief pitcher and be a loyal friend towards the owner, unswerving in allegiance. They are known to be loyal to their owners.

The Advantage of Having Dogs as Pets

Further, furry dogs likewise can defend and protect us from the unscrupulous burglar with his act of breaking a dwelling at night to commit a felony. Even at nighttime, pet dogs can be a night guard or a watchdog, surveillance or watching over by you at your home protectively.

If burglars chanced to come at nightfall, the family’s pet dog gives you a signal notifying and communicating or show by relentless gestures persistently barking all night long till you finally cease sleeping and wake up.

Training Pet Dogs

We can patiently train dogs to do something outstanding and notably nice tricks.

In my childhood days our dog knows how to play, dance, fetch a ball, shake hands, run in circles and circles, even stand and sit if you command him to and a lot more.

His name was Gringo, a Doberman, who was mighty yet gentle. All in the family loved him as our pet dog. My father’s close friend in the armed forces presented him as a gift during his birthday.

They’re highly trainable to carry out simple to a more made up of complicated complex tricks. Also, they conveniently serve as guide and exhibit points of interest to a sickly pet owner to served as a guide during a morning walk.

Dogs are Loving Animals

Dog care is essential for our loving furry pets to enjoy the most from their loving gestures that reduce high blood pressure. They love to cuddle, particularly maneuvering in a game, eat bones all day long, and have a strong affection for you arising out of kinship or personal ties. Heed or direct one’s attention and provide for the basic needs and treatment or therapeutic procedure whenever pets are affected with a minor disease or illness so that your pets are properly taken care of.

So how do you take good care of your fur pet dogs in ensuring their well-being? In the next section, I will share with you furry dog care tips that will help maintain that healthy look in your loving pet.

11 Furry Dog Care Tips

dog care
A healthy, kind-looking furry dog covered by a bed sheet.

The following are furry dog care tips that I find useful through the years:

  1. Bathe your dogs regularly with pet shampoo and soap or whatever random bath soap, cleansing, and shampoo you have. Pet needs proper hygiene too for favorable good health and getting rid of the lice that live on other animal’s fur.
  2. Feeding your pet dogs with plant-based foods is considerably healthier for your dogs. Dog foods contain unhealthy chemicals that take about 3 days or more before it wholly goes forth and leaves the body of your pets. If you feed them with dog foods more than thrice a week or more, these harmful chemicals keep accumulating in the body of your pets and may cause a cough or cold, etc., or you wonder why they’re sickly in the long run. Thus, if you want your dogs to be adequately stronger and healthier, simply give them foods that you are eating on your table and plant-based foods. These foods contain materials consisting essentially of vitamins, protein, and carbohydrates to sustain growth. It further repairs vital processes to flourish energy marked by a splendid physique.
  3. Provide adequate beddings and blankets for your fur pet dogs at night. They can get cold too as we humans with a temperature that’s uncomfortably low for pets.
  4. For puppies, feed them with milk mixture and blend with lukewarm water up to 2 to 3months old. And solid foods 2 months old and beyond.
  5. Shun away from feeding 3 month old puppies with any fishbone or fish thorn. The fishbone will get caught in your puppy’s throat as they are still young so their body physique is not yet fully developed.
  6. Give them a microminiature ball to play with. Puppies and even grown-up dogs love to play on the ground or in the garden with their toy ball. Some even love to play with a colorful little stuff toy.
  7. Go for a walk with your fur pet dog in your garden or an open space, or better yet, into the woods. This is a win-win situation for you and a sure way effective exercise for both your pet dog and you as the owner. You are healthy, and so is your dog too.
  8. Teach them the proper way and how to do it on how to pee and poop. Ideally, you can place a vast basin with ample sands on it. Another option is to observe them for a week, observe their pee and poop time. Most puppies pee and poop in the morning, while others pee in the afternoon or the evening. If they bend their knees on top of your carpet or on the floor, that’s an enormous sign they’re about to pee and poop — readily put them outside the house so they can poop at the garden.
  9. Gently trim their nails, or hire the experts and go to a pet salon.
  10. Have them an anti-rabis vaccine at your nearby LGU vet. As the trip to a pet salon can be costly indeed when you can have a vaccine at the LGU — and wow it’s free.
  11. Have a separate plate for their food and another bowl for drinking water.

Red Signals in Dog Care

  1. Never feed your dogs with candies, chocolates, coffee, chocolate milk, dried fish (bulad), shrimp, crab, peanuts, and grapes. These have high allergens content.
  2. In case your pet has accidentally eaten a fishbone or fish thorn, just have him drink a 1/2 glass of lukewarm water with olive oil. That quickly softens it. Or feed them table bananas or any slimy edible foods.

Animals sleep to regulate body temperature, organize their memories and replenish their immune system.

Our dog Brownie was an orphaned dog before the pandemic. She was barely a few weeks old when her mother died. I feed her milk three times a day along with her twin brother. She eventually grew up to be kind and a quiet, affectionate dog. She joyfully tags along whenever I go to the garden or in the backyard.

And then she gave birth last Nov 1 this year to adorable giant puppies. Every time I cuddle each of her giant 3-kilogram, heavy puppies and stroke their back, she gets jealous and would come to get her cuddle and stroke at the head too.

I am busy and yet still talk to her — it makes her happy, and she bows down on me and does stretching every time. They love it when you pamper them and stroke their back or head gently. Thus, I’d say dogs have feelings and brains too.

Dog Temperaments

A dog once bit me in the neighborhood when doing an errand for my elder sister. I was then in Grade 2 and that made me afraid of dogs. But our dogs gringo, Bruno, and brownie have changed that.

Domesticated dogs are kinder and more affectionate than those who are not. As a pet owner, you have the responsibility and obligations for a comprehensive, well rounded, sympathetic consideration for your pets’ good health, well-being, and safety.

You need to have a liking and fondness for pets if you plan to get one. Proper dog care is a responsibility that owners could not live without.


Matthews, D. (2019, January 4). Raising a Difficult Child? Try a “Spirited” Spin. Psychology Today. Retrieved January 5, 2022 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/going-beyond-intelligence/201901/raising-difficult-child-try-spirited-spin


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