
This article describes 5 tips on how to survive a pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic may not be the only one that will plague us for years. Get some insights to survive the new order.

The work from home mode has become commonplace nowadays because of the pandemic brought by the persistence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 — the highly infectious disease popularly known as the COVID-19. Imagine the severity of the effect of this pandemic just by looking at the number “19.” The pandemic has affected us from December 2019 to the current date of writing this article, 2022. That’s a long three years of trying to escape the wrath of the virus.

But life has to go on, and we have to be resilient despite this challenge that we face. On this note, I would like to share with you my working strategy on how to cope up during this pandemic and future pandemics that force us to stay at home.

I specify 5 strategies that kept food on the table and even make these activities profitable even in the confines of the home. The following are my tips on how to survive a pandemic and upcoming pandemics that come our way.

Here’s how I did it to keep the food on the table with some extras, as well as maintain my sanity and overall health to survive the pandemic.

5 Tips on How to Survive the Pandemic

1. Engage in a hobby

Create a website

I have no website creation knowledge when I started working on one in 2011. My curiosity and desire to learn how to create websites in the early days of the internet powered me to engage in drag-and-drop technologies like the one offered by Webnode. The company offers a user-friendly website creation technology — basically a no-brainer.

I put up one of my first websites using Webnode. I’m grateful to the creators of this website development facility because it’s there that I learned how to create links, learn a little about html, and how to arrange the categories, and put up a menu.

As time went by, and given the limitations of the drag-and-drop technology, I shifted my attention to, a popular website builder. front page says 43% of the web is built on WordPress. It’s popular because of its eye-appealing, ready-made designs you just have to select when you build one.

Eventually, I learned the ropes in the open-source counterpart of — — to create my website more independently. I experimented with different themes and plugins — unfamiliar terms before. I am now into monetizing my websites. It’s a hobby turned into a passive income earner.

As of now, I’m scaling my first website up. I joined Ezoic the past two weeks and discovered that Ezoic is more lucrative, bringing in over 60% of what I usually earn in Adsense. Ezoic uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help improve ad placements on the website. This venture is getting exciting. I love the challenge of making my website popular.

Having all these accumulated knowledge and skills on website development and optimization is one of the best ways on how to survive a pandemic.

Write to enjoy and to earn

Related to the website development hobby, I need to put content on my website. Hence, I became a successful blogger after over 10 years of studying search engine optimization (SEO) stuff. I created my website and put content there myself. I save on website creation and maintenance costs while enjoying writing as a hobby.

Now I reap the fruits of my labor as an online writer. What started as a satisfying hobby became a regular dollar earner through Google’s Adsense Program, enough to cover my overhead expenses. Thus I save my day salary.

Writing online is a great way to survive the pandemic.

Jog or Run

I just love running. It keeps me conditioned and without major health problems for the past 10 years. To reap the most benefit, jog or run as fast as you can three to five times a week. Mayo Clinic recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise.

Upon completing a 16-week aerobics program by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, I joined a 21-kilometer half-marathon, finishing it in an hour. I am so glad I have read Cooper’s book on the benefits of aerobics and applied the principles by running a fast mile. It just works! Now I regularly run to maintain my health.

Running is one of the best exercises that enables me to keep a distance from others. If anyone or a group of joggers or runners approach your direction, run as fast as you can. That adds more to the excitement and increases the endorphins responsible for runner’s high.

Aerobic exercise achieved through running is another excellent way of how to survive the pandemic. It has added dividends of relieving stress and tension in your body, plus the overall health benefits.

Who knows, you might discover that you are an elite athlete to the likes of Usain Bolt.

2. Undertake city gardening

I would not consider myself one of those who has “green thumbs.” But I realized I am one when I started gardening at home in a small space.

Vegetable gardening is one of the excellent ways on how to survive a pandemic.

You can do gardening by simply putting rocks in a circle and filling it with fertile soil. Voila! I can grow vegetables in that simple structure. No need to spend precious money that we can save for emergencies during the pandemic.

Just pile up the stones in a circle and fill it up with soil just like the isolated people on Easter Island do.

I got this idea from this post on lithic mulching. How creative people have become these days.

3. Invest in stocks

As a result of my hobby turned significant money earner, I started investing in stocks. I can see price fluctuations during the pandemic.

There were times my stocks earned up to 13 percent but there were also times I saw a drop of 20%. I know, however, that these drops are temporary.

Whenever the price of stocks goes down, I buy more stocks. It’s the best time to invest. And I have more than enough to buffer the loss during the pandemic. I can take the risk and never worries on the occasional dips in stock prices. I’ve read that sudden dips in stock prices are not a cause of concern when you’re investing.

Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors the world has seen, says you have to keep your stocks as long as you can to reap the benefits. Hold on to it despite the recession or bear market.

Once the pandemic has cleared, and it always does, I know stock prices will soar. My investment will recoup itself.

4. Keep the day job

It’s important to keep your day job to survive the pandemic. Working in the government has its benefits because the government in a democratic society will always be an employer even in times of crisis. That’s where your taxes go.

I am one of those engaged in work from home jobs in a government funded university. I have become more creative in my approaches to teaching students online. Besides, the direction of learning is going towards a digitally powered learning ecosystem.

I integrate my articles into my lessons. I curate educational articles and videos on the internet and enriching the students’ experience using simple links to these media.

You can now explore a rich source of information online. It’s just a matter of selecting the best ones.

Elon Musk’s Astra Nova school blazes the path to online learning. An innovative school carefully designed to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills of students is now serving students from ages 10-14 from all continents. See how Conundrum and Synthesis do it.

Now is the time to engage in an unparalleled, exciting, and innovative learning approach. The world has changed.

5. Pray always

Regularly praying or meditating keeps your sanity. If you give everything — all of your cares to the omnipotent, all-knowing God, your concerns during the pandemic will go away.

We realize we do not have full control of the pandemic situation. Hence:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28

I hope these tips on how to survive a pandemic like the one we face today will encourage you to undertake productive activities like me. Let our creative juices flow and conquer the difficulties encountered during trying times.

Keep safe and God bless.

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