Myra Itorralba

5 Beauty Tips for Mothers Using Homemade Materials

beauty tip, beauty tips, green beauty, natural beauty

Work at home preoccupies a mother. But she needs beauty tips to keep herself prim and proper, for her husband and for kids to emulate. Here are 5 ways to do it.

It’s always the moms who invariably are extremely bustling and full of activities day and night at her own healthy abode. Her capacity for her love for the family is amazingly boundless. A mother is always loving, affectionate, and a kind fortress for the family.

She doesn’t have a generously sufficient time to meet her needs anymore for her own self being in equilibrium to release her tension, body pains, relax, and destress from over fatigue doing the household chores.

Hence, it is perpetually vital to take care of oneself so you can take care of your family too, during the pandemic and beyond, with some of the five (5) simple and natural household items.

Avoid harmful chemicals from cosmetics as much as you can.

5 Beauty Tips: What You Need to Do

To preserve that beauty naturally, always do the following things religiously to prevent premature aging:

  1. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and vitamin E. You may opt o grow your own plants right in your own garden. Onions, garlic, chili, jalapeno, celery, basil, parsley, spinach, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, etc. grow on small pots in your garden and even in your own kitchen. In addition, you can grow your own oranges, mandarin, lemon, lime, calamansi, apple, papaya, etc. on giant pots right at your garden and even at the porch.
  2. Refrain consuming much of harmful chemicals from canned goods, instant noodles, sodas, beer or liquor and wines. You may do so, but not weekly.
  3. Soothe wrinkles and age spots with a banana face mask.
  4. Alternatively, you may put on a papaya face mask.
  5. Undertake water therapy.

How to Make a Banana Face Mask

Here’s a quick Banana Facial Mask for your wrinkles and age spots on skin:

  1. Put 1/2 fresh small banana along with its peel, + 1/2 lemon (or 1 calamansi), + 1 peeled onion into a blender to make a paste.
  2. Mix the paste with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or coco vinegar in a small bowl or any container you prefer to use.
  3. Apply as a mask unto your face and the dark spots or even at your hands with a clean cotton ball. Leave on for about an hour or more. The longer, the better.
  4. Repeat every day for a month and you’ll surely get a lighter soft skin.

After a month, you may do this 3 times a week.

How to Make a Papaya Face Mask

Follow the procedure below to prepare Papaya Facial Mask for wrinkles and age spots on the skin.

  1. Put 1 tablespoon papaya, + 1/2 lemon (1 calamansi), + peeled 1 onion into a blender to make a paste.
  2. Mix the paste with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or coco vinegar in a small bowl or any container you like.
  3. Apply as a mask on your face and dark spots with a clean cotton ball. Leave on for about an hour or more. The longer, the better.
  4. Repeat every day for one month and you’ll surely get a lighter skin.

After a month, you may repeat the procedure thrice a week to get the most benefits.

7 Bonus Makeup and Beauty Tips

beauty tips
Beauty comes out naturally with gentle, loving self care.

Here’s a bonus. I describe 7 make up and beauty tips that will reveal the best in you.

  1. Avoid lotion. Refrain from using a lotion on your body whenever you go out for work or a business meeting, attend to your grocery list, workout gym, school, birthday party and other public places. The bad smell outdoors and from the public places tends to stick on your skin because of the lotion. You surely don’t want to smell bad on your business meetings and date. Instead, you may opt to use cologne or perfume.
  2. Eye mascara. Apply an eye mascara of your own choice of brand on your beautiful eyelashes. Apply a brown mascara from the roots to just halfway down your eyelashes. And then using a black mascara brush on the edge to make your lashes full and long.
  3. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Incorporate fresh fruits and veggies on your daily diet. Eating fresh raw tomatoes, carrots and cucumber like for vegan salad gives your skin an ageless glow.
  4. Use powder. Carefully dash some Johnson’s baby powder on your wet eyelashes to make them look fuller. Leave on for a minute or until it’s not wet anymore.
  5. Petroleum jelly. Apply petroleum jelly on your dry skin. Put some on your cracked lips due to extremely cold weather.
  6. Use lipstick on cheeks. You may also use a light shade of your lipstick to accentuate your cheeks.
  7. Water. Drink lots of water, not soft drinks, to hydrate your skin.

8 Quick Steps on How to Remove Lipstick

Colored Garments

Related to the activities on beauty tips, here are quick tips to remove tough stains from your colored garments.

  1. Put a piece of scotch tape on the stained garment, and then carefully remove it.
  2. Spray a Solimo 70% Isopropyl alcohol or the Vaxxen Labs 99% Isopropyl alcohol, all wonder products of USA, or Green Cross rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth or face towel. Damp it onto the garment to remove the lipstick. Please do not rub it. Just damp. Wash the fabric after with any detergent you like.
  3. Soak the garment for another 5 to 10 minutes with any detergent powder.
  4. Apply apple cider vinegar or coco vinegar directly to the affected area of your garment.
  5. Leave on for 30 minutes or more, or when the stain is gone.
  6. Rinse well.

White Garments

Do the following for white garments.

  1. Apply Super White or any oxalic acid detergent and leave on for an hour or more, or when the stains totally disappear.
  2. You may opt to apply apple cider vinegar or coco vinegar on your white garments and leave on for an hour or more or until the stain on the garment disappears for good.

Helpful Bible Verses

  1. Deuteronomy 7: 9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments
  2. Ephesians 5: 25. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.
  3. Genesis 2: 24. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
  4. Ecclesiastes 4: 9. Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.
  5. Jeremiah 31: 3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Mommies — God loves you and sees your best efforts every day for your family. God’s love for you is unconditional. That’s how special you really are in the heart of our Almighty Sovereign God.


Durham, D., & Nichols, T. R. (2011). Development and implementation of a women’s health promotion program: The moms for moms approach. Health promotion practice, 12(4), 529-537.

Crusmac, O. (2013). Post-feminism and specialized media: A content analysis of Cosmopolitan headlines. AnALize: Revista de studii feministe, (1 (15)), 17-36.

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