plant based diet for good health

Myra Itorralba

Steps to Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Comprehensive Guide



Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a leading cause of mortality worldwide, encompassing various conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. The good news is that many risk factors associated with CVDs are modifiable through lifestyle changes. By adopting proactive measures, individuals can significantly lower their risk of developing cardiovascular issues. Here is a comprehensive guide outlining steps to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

earthing and grounding therapy
Earthing and grounding therapy– is a therapeutic technique that connects your physique with the energy of the earth to receive its electrons and natural therapy form earth..
plant base diet for hearty health
Plant base diet enhancement of a hearty health, decreases blood sugar, promotes gut health, sleeps better and a lot more.

Steps to Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

1. Healthy Diet

Embrace a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit the intake of processed foods, instant foods, canned goods, dried fish, sodas, softdrinks, wine and beverages, saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars. Opt for portion control and mindful eating habits.

2. Regular Physical Activity

Engage in regular exercise to keep your heart healthy. Aim for at least 150 minutes of a moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, walking or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity twice a week. Incorporate strength training exercises at least twice a week to improve overall fitness.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity and being overweight are significant risk factors for CVDs. Focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through a combination of a balanced diet and regular moderate exercise. You can opt for fruits, one (1) cup of healthy veggies per day in your diet along with few tidbits of nutritive “lamas” condiments e.g. onion, tomatoes, garlic, ginger.

4. Quit Smoking & Coffee

Smoking is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of CVDs. Seek support from cessation programs, therapies, or support groups and join Dgroup to successfully quit smoking. Moreover, you can opt to munch on slices of “singkamas” turnip or Mexican yam bean, rutabaga, beet root, root veggies like carrots or chayote, potato, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds, squash seeds, mixed nuts, guavas, olives, nearly ripe papaya.

5. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can elevate blood pressure and contribute to heart-related issues. Adopt stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, walking, earthing or grounding therapy which involves walking barefoot at the beach sand or lying on the beach sand, swimming, listening to relaxing music, playing the guitar, or hobbies that promote relaxation to alleviate stress.

6.Monitor Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

Regularly check and manage your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. High blood pressure and elevated cholesterol are major risk factors for heart diseases. Follow medical advice to keep these levels within healthy ranges.

7. Limit Alcohol Intake

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related problems. Limit alcohol intake to moderate levels or as advised by healthcare professionals. instead opt for “salabat” or ginger tea, turmeric tea, mangosteen tea, lavender tea, lemongrass tea and any fruits that grows in your region.

8. Get Quality Sleep

Prioritize sufficient sleep each night. Poor sleep patterns and insufficient rest can contribute to hypertension and obesity, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Have sodas, coffee and teas before 3 o clock in the afternoon so as you will have an ample sleep in the evening. Change your curtains, beddings and bedsheets regularly once or twice a month. Have a foot pillow, fleece for blanket and use comforter on your bed– this adequately helps you sleep better.

9. Regular Health Check-ups

Schedule regular check-ups with healthcare professionals to monitor your heart health if you have been diagnosed with this disease already. Early detection of any potential issues allows for timely interventions.

10. Follow Medication Guidelines

If prescribed medications for managing blood pressure, cholesterol, or any other cardiovascular condition, adhere to the prescribed regimen diligently coupled with fish and plant-based diet.

11. Know Your Family History

On top of it all– understand your family’s history of cardiovascular diseases. Awareness of familial predispositions can help you and your healthcare provider take proactive measures.

12. Stay Informed

Continuously educate yourself about cardiovascular health. Stay updated with reliable sources of information to make informed decisions about your lifestyle choices.


In conclusion, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses lifestyle modifications, regular health monitoring, plant-based diet, and informed decision-making. By adopting these steps, individuals can take proactive measures to maintain heart health and mitigate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, contributing to a longer and healthier life.

Remember, it’s essential to consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance and to tailor these steps according to individual health needs.

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