Ralph Erving I. Tabañag

Needs of Rest: 5 Healthy Essential Sleeping Habits

Needs, Sleeping Habits

In this very exhausting world, where productivity matters to make a living. The needs of people when it comes to resting by sleeping is necessary in order for our body to function to its highest state. Body conditioning through sleeping is also a part of people’s needs.

Below are the listed essential sleeping habits that you need to know in order to optimize your sleep.


In our busy lives, we often forget the importance of traditional sleep. But rest is crucial for our well-being. It’s not just a luxury; our bodies and minds actually need it to recharge and heal. To meet our body’s needs, we must develop healthy sleeping habits.

We’ll explore the value of sleep, learn how to obtain adequate sleep, build a regular sleep schedule, develop healthy sleeping habits, and improve your sleeping environment in this article.

the need for optimal sleeping
the need for optimal sleeping

5 Healthy Essential Sleeping Habits

1. Recognizing the Importance of Enough Sleep

Understanding why sleep matters is the first step in building good sleep habits. Sleep is vital for our physical and mental health. It helps our bodies recover, balances hormones, and improves brain function. Not getting enough sleep can lead to problems like poor concentration, weakened immune system, mood swings, and higher risk of chronic illnesses.

By recognizing our body’s need for sufficient rest, we can make positive changes. We have to be aware, when our bodies lack rest. We are stress, the same goes inside your body, it also needs rest, the function of your organs is limited for a limited amount of hours and without rest, the organs are forced to function.

That is why some develop diseases, disorders, disfunctions or disorders in the brain. Moreover, it is a must to take care of our bodies and realize the importance of sleeping.

2. Having a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Our bodies like routine, including when we sleep. Following a regular sleep schedule helps meet our body’s needs better. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day regulates our internal clock, leading to better sleep quality. It’s important to allocate enough time for sleep, usually around seven to nine hours for adults. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule aligns our bodies with their natural rhythms, allowing for optimal rest.

Additionally, when we sleep at a certain time, for example at a late time our body is getting used to it. It becomes a pattern that our body follows. Similarly, the time period when we wake up; For instance, we wake 4:00 a.m. in the morning consistently, day-by-day, then our body without us forcing to wake by that period of time, will automatically make us awake. That is why also we need to be mindful of what time we sleep, and wake, and most especially the duration of hour sleep is very essential.

Exposure to light on daytime causes the master clock melatonin of your body to generate alertness. At night it promotes production of melatonin which makes you fall asleep– that’s why it’s ideal to go to sleep when its dark outside and wake up when it’s light in the morning.

About 75% of the millennials dont get enough sleep due to late-night social activities, digital device use, negativity, stress, lack of outdoor physical activities, lack of plant based food healthy diet, sleep cycle shifts all play a role. However, addressing these issues will help resolve the sleeping schedule.

3. Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Where we sleep affects how well we rest. To meet our body’s needs, we must create a sleep-friendly environment. Keep your bedroom cool, dark or with a dim light, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Invest in a good mattress and pillows for better sleep quality. Switch off your gadgets and computers an hour before bedtime.

Minimize electronic devices in the bedroom and establish a relaxing routine before bed, like reading or taking a warm bath and changing clean beddings. These changes help you fall asleep faster and have a more restful sleep. We all know what happens when you let your child run wild and stay up late however they want, it’s totally bad the next day” says Dr. Colleen Lance in a UK study Cleveland Clinic.

Prioritizing Sleep Hygiene
Prioritizing Sleep Hygiene

It does not mean, that you have to follow all of these techniques for you to have a sleep-friendly environment. Remain by following your own routine that makes you have a better sleep conditioning. It is because I know other people needs a small amount of light for them to have a good night sleep. Other people I know had a routine that requires to have a partial-bath or a half-bath. Basically, it means that the lower body will be having a cleansing and warm, or even lukewarm bath only. The head is excluded.

4. Using Relaxation Techniques

In our busy lives, it’s hard to unwind before bed. But practicing relaxation techniques is important for meeting our body’s needs for restful sleep. Deep breathing exercises, meditation by praying to the LORD, listening to Don Moen’s songs or jazz music at night and gentle stretching can calm the mind and release tension from the body. Avoid stimulating activities and limit caffeine intake before bedtime. By incorporating relaxation techniques into our daily routine, we prepare our bodies and minds for a good night’s sleep.

When our mind is so compromised, and we find it hard to sleep. This method is very useful, this is to distract you from thinking what you’ve been through throughout the day. Feeling so tense; relax, don’t think of stress. Empty your mind, so that you can have a handful and sweet night of sleep. Diligently including outdoor physical activity in your morning daytime routine promotes better sleep at night.

5. Prioritizing Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to habits and practices that promote healthy sleep. To meet our body’s needs for quality rest, we need to prioritize sleep hygiene, changing of beddings and curtains regularly once a week or every other week is good hygiene just as daily bath is, and a thorough weekly cleaning of rooms. Avoid daytime napping in the afternoon, as it can disrupt nighttime sleep.

Engage in regular physical activity during the day to promote better sleep at night. Aim to eat dinner three hours before bedtime. Also, avoid heavy meals close to bedtime and limit alcoholic drinks or liquor, nicotine intake, nighttime chocolates and caffeine in coffee, as they can affect sleep quality. By making these changes, we prioritize our body’s needs for sufficient and uninterrupted sleep.

a clean organize room for better sleep
a clean organize room for better sleep

Additional Equipments or Things You may use to assist you in sleeping

  1. Relaxing Music
  2. Sleeping Mask
  3. Sleeping Plugs
  4. Additional Pillows
  5. Fan
  6. Night Light or Dim Light
  7. Prefered Comforter or Blanket


In conclusion, it’s crucial to recognize and fulfill our body’s needs for restful sleep. By adopting healthy sleeping habits, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a sleep-friendly environment, using relaxation techniques, and prioritizing sleep hygiene, we can meet our body’s needs effectively.

Sleep isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for our bodies to function well. By embracing these habits, we can improve our physical and mental health, be more productive, and lead happier lives.

Remember, taking care of your body’s rest needs is essential. Have a good night’s sleep!

Bible Verse

Nehemiah 8:10
"Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

When your life is full of sorrows, and you dive in to negativity. Remember, you have your God, the creator of your life. Be happy, and rejoice He has overcome the Lord. Whatever negativity it is that you have in your mind, let the Joy of the Lord be your strength.

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  1. 5 Tips To Improve Your Sleep
  2. Tips for Better Sleep | CDC
  3. 8 Healthy sleep habits | MD Anderson Cancer Center

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