Ralph Erving I. Tabañag

Internet Cyberbullying: 7 Important Responsibilities For All

Cyberbullying, Internet


In the contemporary digital era, the internet has become an indispensable aspect of our everyday lives. It has revolutionized communication, information sharing, entertainment, and social interaction in the online realm. However, this vast and powerful network also harbors the dark side of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying refers to the malicious use of digital platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, and online forums, to torment, intimidate, or harm individuals. The internet’s anonymous nature and wide reach often embolden cyberbullies, necessitating the recognition of our responsibilities as internet users to combat this pervasive issue.

This article will explore seven crucial obligations that individuals must fulfill to foster a secure, respectful, and inclusive online environment.

 Respect in the Internet is equal to Safe Environment
Respect in the Internet is equal to Safe Environment

7 Important Responsibilities For everyone to Cyberbullying in the Internet

1. Cultivate Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship encompasses responsible, ethical, and respectful internet usage. It involves acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to navigate the online world safely and responsibly. To effectively combat cyberbullying, it is imperative for individuals to foster digital citizenship. This obligation entails comprehending the repercussions of one’s actions on the internet, treating others with empathy and kindness, and promoting positive interactions in the virtual realm. By nurturing digital citizenship, internet users contribute to establishing a culture that discourages cyberbullying and encourages healthy online conduct.

It is important for all to apply netiquette whenever we are using or browsing the internet. In social media, in online jobs, article writing, blog sites, emails, and more platforms; It is a must to maintain the sanctity of using these mediums. It does not mean that people have the freedom of speech that makes us have the right so say whatever we want. No, of course not, by virtues, values, and ethics stand against with those behavior and principles. Even human conscience stand against it, that is why everyone should be responsible so that the level of respect that you have for yourself is also equal to the respect you are giving to those people in the internet.

2. Educate and Enhance Awareness

Education plays a pivotal role in preventing cyberbullying. It is essential for internet users to be well-informed about the various manifestations of cyberbullying, its detrimental impact on victims, and the legal consequences it entails. Schools, parents, and community organizations should actively promote educational programs that equip individuals with the skills to recognize, prevent, and address cyberbullying incidents. By enhancing awareness and knowledge, we empower people to effectively confront cyberbullying. Educational initiatives may include workshops, seminars, and online resources that underscore the significance of responsible internet usage and the negative consequences associated with cyberbullying.

It is a must to educate the millenials nowadays, because most of the generation z people are the ones involved with cyberbullying. With enough orientation and awareness to educate people, they will be able to know the consequences, the sanctions, and even the negative impact of whom who have violated this kind of act to the internet, or to the people that was made to be a target on this.

3. Promote Empathy and Respect

Promoting empathy and respect is a fundamental obligation in countering cyberbullying. The internet should be a space where individuals treat one another with kindness and respect, irrespective of their backgrounds, beliefs, or opinions. Encouraging empathy fosters an inclusive online environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Internet users should actively engage in discussions and conversations with empathy, seeking to understand diverse perspectives and fostering constructive dialogue. By exemplifying empathetic and respectful behavior, individuals contribute to reducing the prevalence of cyberbullying and cultivating a culture of mutual respect online.

By having the initiative to engage with respect to these platforms will ensure safety to everyone and even maintain the sanctity of the internet community in all platforms. For a safer internet environment, it starts with applying values in the reality realm to the internet, so that everyone will be spreading this kind of morals and values as well.

4. Establish Robust Privacy Settings

Safeguarding personal information is crucial for protecting oneself from cyberbullying. Internet users should prioritize the establishment of robust privacy settings on social media platforms, online profiles, and other digital accounts. By carefully reviewing and regularly updating privacy settings, individuals can limit the exposure of their personal information to potential cyberbullies. This responsibility also involves being cautious about the information shared online, such as contact details, addresses, and private photos. Consistently monitoring and adjusting privacy settings is a proactive measure in preventing cyberbullying and ensuring personal security in the internet sphere.

Be conscious when sharing in the internet, to maintain security and safety
Be conscious when sharing in the internet, to maintain security and safety

5. Think Before You Share

Responsible internet users should exercise discretion when sharing content online. Prior to posting or forwarding any material, individuals should consider the potential consequences it may have on others. Words, images, and videos spread rapidly on the internet, often beyond the original intention of the sender. Sharing sensitive or inappropriate content can unintentionally contribute to the propagation of cyberbullying or even lead to online harassment. By adopting a thoughtful approach to online content sharing, individuals can decrease the likelihood of contributing to or becoming victims of cyberbullying. Taking a moment to reflect on the potential impact of shared content can help prevent the perpetuation of harmful behavior online.

Remember, not everything should be shared to others. Be mindful, of what must be kept to yourself alone, what must be shared to others, or what can be shared to others.

6. Report and Provide Support

If individuals witness or experience cyberbullying, prompt reporting of the incident to the relevant authorities or online platforms is crucial. Reporting cyberbullying not only facilitates addressing the specific incident but also plays a vital role in creating a safer online environment. Online platforms should have clear reporting mechanisms, and individuals should familiarize themselves with the procedures for reporting abusive behavior. Additionally, providing support to those who have been cyberbullied is of utmost importance. Encouraging victims to seek help and extending emotional support can aid in their recovery and discourage further incidents. By actively reporting and supporting those affected by cyberbullying, individuals contribute to a collective effort in combating this harmful behavior.

Through reporting we may help or the one being bullied may be assisted to not engage anymore verbally, but let the executives, organizations, or the combatants like the police force to handle the case. With that, we can ensure safety to the people who were violated and maintain a safe environment online, most especially in the media.

7. Be an Upstander, Not a Bystander

Merely being a passive bystander in the face of cyberbullying perpetuates the problem. It is crucial for individuals to assume an active role as upstanders and intervene when witnessing instances of online harassment. Taking a stand against cyberbullying can involve offering support to the victim, confronting the cyberbully, or reporting the incident to appropriate authorities or platforms. By actively engaging in addressing cyberbullying, individuals contribute to a culture of accountability and deter potential cyberbullies. Being an upstander entails promoting empathy, intervening when necessary, and fostering a community where online harassment is unwelcome.

Promoting this one is essential, as it serves to be informative to the current generation and for generations to come. One way of countering cyberbullying is to serve as a role model to spread self-awareness to everyone that this kind of act damages the dignity of those who are affected or violated with this kind of action.


The internet holds tremendous potential for connecting people, fostering creativity, and driving positive change. However, the rise of cyberbullying poses a significant threat to the well-being, safety, and inclusivity of individuals online. It is the responsibility of all internet users to take action and combat cyberbullying.

By cultivating digital citizenship, promoting empathy and respect, establishing robust privacy settings, thinking before sharing content, reporting incidents, and being active upstanders, we can create a safer and more inclusive online environment.

Let us all fulfill these obligations to harness the true power of the internet for the betterment of society. Together, we can ensure that the internet remains a space where everyone can thrive, express themselves freely, and coexist harmoniously.

Bible Verse

2 Chronicles 15:7
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

Be strong in the Lord. Do not let any negativity gain dominion over you. Strive for the best, as long as you rely in the Lord. Then, indeed just like the verse says your work will be re

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  1. Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it
  2. Cyberbullying – National Bullying Prevention Center
  3. What is Cyberbullying and its impact?

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