Articles for category: Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Spirituality

2nd coming of jesus

The Amazing 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ-Bible Verse

Introduction “The Pertinent 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ” our Lord with “The Majestic Rapture” is a two diverse thing, dissimilar in its form and unlike in events. Some would state as opinion or as a belief it’s exactly identical– nonetheless the Holy Word of God says it’s definitely not. This is a deep-seated WAKE-UP CALL ...

Global Warming. Nature Destruction

The Mind-Boggling Impact of Climate Change on Food Security: 17 Pre-eminent Ways to Prepare

Climate change is causing more frequent and severe weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves which are affecting crop yields and food production. This is leading to food shortages and price increases which are impacting food security around the world. Introduction What we are woefully undergoing right now and will severely so in the ...


Heartfelt Prayer in the Name of Jesus

A heartfelt prayer in the name of Jesus brings forth blessings in such an unimaginable, incredulous, fantastical position to be encountered by the one making the earnest request to God the Father and God the Son. Read on to discover yourself firsthand about the exciting, astonishing relationship with the Lord. One will certainly have — ...


Soul Winning: 8 Tips for Christians

A part and parcel of one’s life inclination points to ultimately finding our purpose, serve the LORD gratefully, share the Word and effectively win souls. Soul winning helps save souls that otherwise may have been led astray by the temptations of the world. The lapses of humankind into sinfulness paved the way for the LORD ...