Articles for category: Home Tips, City Gardening, Mental Health

urban garden

City Gardening 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting the Requirements for a Thriving Urban Garden

Looking to start a city garden? This article outlines the requirements for successful urban gardening. From choosing the right location to understanding the basic needs of your plants, I describe everything you need to know to get started. Discover the benefits of city gardening and learn about the essential tools and materials you’ll need to ...

Global Warming. Nature Destruction

The Mind-Boggling Impact of Climate Change on Food Security: 17 Pre-eminent Ways to Prepare

Climate change is causing more frequent and severe weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves which are affecting crop yields and food production. This is leading to food shortages and price increases which are impacting food security around the world. Introduction What we are woefully undergoing right now and will severely so in the ...