
Myra Itorralba

Soul Winning: 8 Tips for Christians

how to win a soul, soul winning, soul winning tips

A part and parcel of one’s life inclination points to ultimately finding our purpose, serve the LORD gratefully, share the Word and effectively win souls. Soul winning helps save souls that otherwise may have been led astray by the temptations of the world.

The lapses of humankind into sinfulness paved the way for the LORD to come down from heaven from being immortal to mortal and save humans. He mightily discerns what’s gonna happen, but still He perpetually did what He had come for. To save the wretched souls on us all of humankind.

Not Through Works

It’s not through works, power nor money—but through Christ our LORD that you can be saved so no one will boast.

Blessed be thy God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3).

As sinners, we invariably transgress, turning our back on our Holy Merciful God. We continually hurt God laboriously by the disdainful wickedness in our hearts.

Reckoning, we can artifice outwit and surpass in wisdom our Supreme Creator—but of course we can’t. We’re just Lilliput human beings devoid of strength and resources—absolutely worthless and nothing without the LORD Almighty.

Worshipping Idols: An Abomination

As sinners, we believe and worship a synthetic man-made false god made of man’s molded figures, carved wood or clay statue. Humankind cut down trees; 1/3 of it he uses for furnitures, another 1/3 he uses for cooking and the remaining 1/3 he makes man-made false god by molding and carving wood. Yet this is deadly wrong, a wholly malign to God.

By so doing, we are playing fire with God; we are offending a Supreme Holy God and outrage Him. This is severely an abomination to God Almighty. You’re harshly arrogant, disrespectful and insulting a Sovereign Being by doing that as God is a jealous God.

You cannot enclose and contain an extraordinarily powerful God in a mere figurine or molded wood man-made false god, because He is a Divine God. So we must worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

Do not put God’s wrath on you and your family. If you worship a man-made false god but lose your soul forever in hell in which condemned people suffer excruciating punishment for everlasting. Or you worship God Almighty alone and have a joyful, eternal life with our Sovereign God in His kingdom. Select freely, straightway, it’s your own freewill and of voluntary choice.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10: 27)

8 Tips on Soul Winning

So here are the ways on how to be an Effective Soul Winner in the LORD:

Soul winning centers on the teachings of the bible.
  1. Meditate on God’s word. Constantly keep meditating on God’s love, and the Word of God, His Holy Book. Suit up fully armored when you go to the battlefield and win souls.
  2. Be a prayer warrior.
  3. Attend prayer meetings. Attend recurring prayer meetings, bible studies etc with the company of persons gathered for kind spiritual assemblage and connect. Grow together in the LORD with God’s people. Focus on serving God alone.
  4. Highlight a verse. Multiple verses in the bible will overwhelm your listener for they definitely won’t grasp it all as they’re not yet born again in the LORD. Hence specifically, Highlight just one (1) verse when you witness and expound a bit. Then pray together.
  5. Pray for direction. Attentively look to the Holy Spirit for direction regarding on whom you’ll approach when you witness to a soul. Perpetually pray for God’s guidance during, before, and after. The good LORD will then lead you and cause to move you towards the soul who consequentially needs the LORD.
  6. Pray for others. Continually pray for the assembly of people you have already witnessed to and likewise for those whom God will eventually guide you in a specified place and direction. With unfailing affection, pray for them all—likewise patiently pray for your family, your children, and friends too. God has never been on rush and is far in advance, but He is always on time, in course tempo at the perfectly appointed time.
  7. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be governed by the Holy Spirit and avoid debate. You degenerate your purpose and your effectiveness if you become enraged when ministering to others from a diverse religious views and culture. Be compassionately soft. Be tenderly kind. Be gentle. Be chivalrous.
  8. Be patient. Introducing Christ is not like a fast-track bullet train. Sometimes witnessing to a person to accept Christ takes a longish time, sometimes it’s immediate. It may take years, hence it’s important to not lose hope but to continually pray for that person. Depending actually on how receptive and open the person is and how the Spirit touches his soul. Again, pray constantly.

God is saying to you—My child, I am not your mere free time and second (2nd) choice, it’s either you prioritize me alone as your Merciful God or leave—for you don’t love Me.

In a huge universe with a multitude of teeny weeny human race—God has chosen you along with His children.

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

Isaiah 49:15-16

Be faithful and loyal to God. Be grateful heartily. Soul winning manifests your faith in God.

Bible Verses

  1. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5: 8)
  2. And His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him.(Luke 1: 50)
  3. For the LORD your God is a compassionate God; He will not fail you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant with your fathers at which He swore to them. (Deuteronomy 4:31)


  1. Why is serving God important?
  2. 15 Ways to Serve God Through Serving Others. By Rachel Bruner. Updated on June 25, 2019.
  3. What is Ministry?-Beliefs and History of Faith in God and Jesus. Robert Hampshire. contributing author. March 16, 2020.
  4. The Ministry of the Word. Resource by John Piper. November 25, 1984.

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