Fresh Durian Fruit and Fresh Durian Milkshake

Myra Itorralba

How to Know if Durian Fruit is Superb Ripe: 3 Ways

Stinky & Nutritive Fruit

Durian Fruit

Durian Flavor


Come, waltz in and barge in with us as we travel Mindanao, Philippines particularly the eco-tourism North Cotabato and Davao– the capital city of Durian Fruit and Orchids.

Durian Fruit- the King of Fruits is the edible tropical fruit suitably classified to be closely connected to the genus “Durio” (Durio zibethinus) native to Borneo, Philippines and Sumatra. Durian Fruit with its prominent durian favor is remarkably available all over the International Market as it notably comes in its durian fruit benefits.

Durian Fruit has a total of three hundred (300) subspecies of plants in Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines. It is customarily associated with Southeast Asian Cuisines…native and semi-cultivated in continental Southeast Asia Burma, maritime southern Philippines.

The word durian in Malay word duri means the thorn. In Malay word Gua Musang which means fox cave for Indian civet cats. Durian or Durio in Spanish-Filipino due mainly to its oval large prickly covering. It is said that the spiked fruit originated in “Mt. Apo”- Calinan, Davao Philippines..

Philippine Literature

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DURIAN FRUIT is highly rich in fiber &vitamins

Way back in the Philippine literature, “The Story of the First Durian (The Hermits Three Wishes)” when it’s kingdom Calinan ruled by King Barom-Mai which symbolizes great power ...the fruit of the King of the Jungle King Barom-Mai was given to win the heart of his young bride Madayaw-Bayho . The king and his advisers went to seek help of Impit Purok the hermit in a cave in Mt. Apo in Davao, Mindanao. Impit Purok planted it and a tree grew and the durian fruit was then given to the young bride Madayaw-Bayho. Paving the way for Davao to be named the durian capital and orchid capital of the country. Durian grows particularly in Mindanao region–from Davao, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Sulu to Agusan.

How to Know if Durian Fruit is Perfectly Ripe: 3 Ways

  1. The metrical system and weight of a ripe durian fruit is invariably greater in quantity and taking a great weight in its proportion.
  2. Pay thoughtful attention for a pounding noise and expect colliding when you move it or you shake the durian fruit, the seeds eventually disconnect when it is fully ripe and mature separating the flesh from its husk. It then creates a knocking sound.
  3. It has a teeny-weeny crack on the spiky husk or when it begins to crack a bit on its shell means it is ripe, sweet and ready to be eaten. However large crack ranging from 2 inches and more implies there might be insects inside like ants and small flies– so do not purchase it anymore. always settle for the tiny lilliputian cracks on its husks.

Nutritive Fresh Durian Shake

The seed of durian is likewise edible as it can be eaten roasted or boiled– taste like almond and cashew.

A typical durian tree bears its first fruits after four years to five years in the Philippines and then annually there after. Mindanao IS also home to the country’s endangered Philippine eagle.

Likewise, Mindanao is home to the nutritive 23 fruits:

  1. avocado or alligator pear in english or palta in spanish (Persea americana)- have greenish buttery flavor. rich in fiber, vit k, etc.
  2. mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)- dark purple shell, green flower crown, and soft creamy sweet flesh when ripe and very nutritive.
  3. sweet mangoes (Mangifera indica)- 1995 Guinness Book of World Records for being the Sweetest Mango in the World.
  4. rambutan ((Nephelium lappaceum)- white flesh is so sweet and easy to eat. rich in fiber, vit c
  5. Lanzones (Lansium domesticum)- light brown skin and sweet translucent flesh.
  6. star apple or caimito(Chrysophyllum cainito)- has to variety. one is green skin, the other one is purple yet the same taste so sweet in its translucent flesh.
  7. banana (Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana for hybrid)- varieties are lacatan, tundan, saba, senorita, bungulan and a lot more
  8. Atis or custard apple or sweetsop (Anona squamosa)
  9. guyabano or graviola or soursop (Annona muricata)- quite sweet and creamy texture when ripe.
  10. papaya or pawpaw (Carica papaya)- very sweet when ripe depending on the variety. unripe ones are used for filipino cuisines tinola, atsara, lumpia.
  11. jackfruit or langka (Artocarpus heterophyllus)- very sweet when ripe and a bit crunchy when newly harvested.
  12. pomelo in Filipino & Spanish or non hybrid grapefruit (Citrus Maxima)- have many varieties and taste sweet when ripe.
  13. chicos or chicozapote or naseberry (Manilkara zapota)- rich in Vit C, Vit B, calcium, potassium, antioxidants. brown malty sweet fruit.
  14. duhat or lomboy or black plum or java plum (Syzygium cumini)- rich in vit c and sweet when ripe like grapes
  15. marang or tarap or green pedalai or johey oak (Artocarpus odoratissimus)
  16. aratilis or mansanitas or jamaican cherries- (Muntingia calabura)- has a juicy pulp that burst in your mouth, irressistible to children.
  17. pinya or pineapple– (Ananas comosus) one of the most popular tropical fruits. Philippines is home to del monte pineapple and dole pineaaple.
  18. Guava or bayabas– (Psidium guajava) is a round green fruit with white flesh. sweet when its ripe. rich in Vit C, Vit A.
  19. watermelon or pakwan– (Citrullus lanatus) one of the leading ultimate summer fruit.
  20. Mash melon or cantaloupe– (Cucumis melovar. cantalupensis) well loved for its sweet juicy flesh and refreshing for summertime.
  21. Coconut– (Cocos nucifera) one of the most significant plants in the country as part of the culture and Filipino cuisine. Can be enjoyed as fresh buko juice which is very refreshing especially on summertime.
  22. Wax apple or macopa– ( Syzygium samarangense) a bell shaped-crunchy fruit that transform its color to purple-maroon. Much tastier than tambis (also a family of syzygium samarangense). Tambis on the other hand has two varieties the green one and the pink one both of which are crunchy and best served chilled.
  23. Singkamas or Jicama in Spanish– (Pachyrhizus erosus Linn) covered with a brown skin which white flesh and taste like a pear or apple. Best served chilled makes it refreshing to beat the heat this summertime. Also referred to in English as American turnip.


  1. Eat in moderation, most specially for the ones who have heart diseases, high blood pressure and stroke. You can invariably try the Philippines native durian which is considerably of a bland version and taste delicately smooth creamy just the same.
  2. Refrain from consuming this fruit on a destitute empty stomach. Best to be eaten every or right after meals as a fresh fruit dessert or frozen as it oozes with perfect creaminess texture like a gelato.
  3. Best time to purchase is on its Philippines prime fruit peak season from July to August and often times extends till September as it is prominently less pricey then. At times it is likewise in abundance from December to January.
  4. Always pack light and comfy clothing’s, travel light is a must.
  5. You can book a flight from Manila International Airport to Davao International Airport; or from Cebu Mactan International Airport to Davao International Airport. Always bring a water bottle, sunblock and rubbing alcohol. Wear a mask too.
  6. You can also book your group tour in advance with your regular travel agency to have their perks and promos.
  7. A must see in Mindanao7.1 PEARL FARM in Samal Island Davao PhP from PhP24k to PhP46k , 7.2 EDEN Nature Park in Toril Davao PhP 2000, to PhP 13,000 (USD 35- USD285) , and 7.3 DAHILAYAN Adventure Park Bukidnon PhP 3,500 to Php6,000. The Little Baguio of Mindanao the entrance fee to the park is PhP 200 per adult and PhP 50 per child with all rides package to hanging bridge, mini golf and bumper boat PhP750., 7.4 LAKE APO in Valencia Bukidnon PhP 50 entrance fee to enjoy its water sports e.g. kayak, jet skii, floating bamboo raft. and stay overnight, Ultra Winds Mountain Resort & restaurant and infinity pool with PhP 100 entrance fee, 7.5 The HOBBIT HOUSE at Malaybalay Bukidnon stay overnight in a treehouse for only PhP750. Or the 7.6 SITIO MAUPOT Resort – A Bali Inspired resort in Kidapawan-Magpet boundary overlooking a panoramic Mt Apo view ranges from Php 4,679 to PhP8,309 and top3 waterfalls near this beautiful resort, 7.7 LAKE AGCO at the foot of Mt Apo, a natural lake of boiling water pools. My fave here is the steamed bath cave. 7.8 MT. APO, the tallest in the country 7.9 ASIK-ASIK FALLS cascading like a wide curtain in Mt Ragang slopes Alamada 7.10CAMP SABROS in Kapatagan, Digos cottages ranges from PhP3,000 to PhP15,000 where adventure awaits you with zipline fees ranges from US$7- US$12. 7.11 MT APO CIVET COFFEE FARM, Campt@gan Hillside- taste the world’s most expensive coffee Civet coffee with a cup of brewed civet coffee ranges from US$ 3- US$7and a 3 oz bottled civet coffee beans ranging from US$25- US$40. 7.12WINE WOODS APO gives you that “Europe Feels” in the highlands of Kapatagan Digos. 7.13 JARDIN De SENORITA is a lovely resort with its blossoming flowers “The Little Netherlands”. 7.14 LEJANA VISTA STAYCATION in Balutakay, Bansalan, Davao Del Sur that offers a relaxing picturesque view of the mountains and the Digos city below, the mountain foggy mornings over a cup of hot choc or hotmilk or their karak chai Indian Dubai tea, the evening bonfire, flowers in the garden, videoke with the family, sumptous ceasars salad, or the samgyupsal package from PhP700 to PhP1,800 and Filipino foods at their “Youseff Cafe &Grill” with very friendly staff. 7.15MONTEFRIO GARDEN RESORT is most popular facing the Mt Apo highest peak of the country. They have villas and cabanas for guests, bar, restaurant, swimming pool for the family, function hall and a garden, (Kapatagan, Digos)

Internal Links

  1. 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Soymilk and Soybean Pudding. (September 2022).
  2. Nail Health: 3 Disorders, Meanings, and Remedies. (June 2022).
  3. How to Incredibly Live Longer-Part 1. (March 2023).
  4. 23 Nutritive Delightful Durian Fruit Varieties (THE KING OF ALL FRUITS). March (2023).
  5. How to Open a Hard Husk of Durian Fruit. (March 2023).

External Links

1. What 5 Top Sources of Nutrients Does our Body Need? (February 2022).

2. Why Do People Age Quickly? 8 ways on How to Stay Young, Live Longer and Healthy the Natural Way. (February 2022).

3. Coconut Benefits: 38 Medical and Non-medical Uses. (May 2022). simply

4. 17 Amazing Health Benefits of Guava. (June 2022).

5. Awesome Kadayawan Festival in Davao. (November 2021).


  1. The Story Of The First Durian (The Hermit’s Three Wishes). Philippine Literature.
  2. Boots S Agbayani Pastor. EL 113- SURVEY OF PHILIPPINE LITERATURE. The Story of the First Durian (The Hermits Three Wishes. Region II. Literature in Mindanao. Asbury College Incorporated, Pangasinan.
  3. Che Palicte. (January 24, 2023) Davao durian farms to supply China with Puyat variety. Philippine News Agency. Republic of the Philippines. 1193446
  4. TFNet News Compilation. (December 9, 2019). PHILIPPINES: Durian from Mindanao penetrates US Market. International Tropical Fruits Network.
  5. Francis Chong. Durian Varieties in the Philippines. Testing Durian Varieties Developed by the University of Sothern Mindanao (USM). Durian Information.
  6. Lemuel S Preciados, Ma Salome B Bulayog, Concepcion Soguilon, Cyril Montiel. (2013). Gross margin impact analysis on adoption of Phytophthora control strategies for Durian in Region XI, southern Philippines. Smallholder HOPES- horticulture, people and soil, 242, 2013. research Google Scholar
  7. Aminuddin Baqi, Voon-Ching Lim, Hafiz Yazid, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Chong Ju. (2022). A review of durian plant-bat pollinator interactions. Journal of Plant Interactions 17 (1), 105-126, 2022. Taylor Francis Online. Google Scholar.

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