how to save money

John Schroeder

How To Save Money for Teens: A Guide on Saving, Budgeting, and Investing

how to save money for teens, save money for teens

Are you a teenager looking to save money but don’t know where to start? Look no further!

In this article, I will explain why saving money is important for teens and provide tips for setting savings goals and creating a budget. This how to save money for teens guide will walk you through 5 tips for setting savings goals and creating a budget, 4 strategies for cutting expenses and increasing income, and 3 options for long-term investing.

I’ll also share strategies for cutting expenses, so you can save even more. By following these simple steps on how to save money for teens like you, you’ll be on your way to financial sufficiency in no time!


As a teenager, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of having your own money to spend. But while it’s important to enjoy your hard-earned cash if you’re doing some extra work on your spare time, it’s equally important to save some of it for the future.

Saving money as a teen can help you achieve your financial goals, whether that’s buying a car, paying for college, or even starting your own business. Additionally, learning how to manage your money now will set you up for success later in life. Just like Warren Buffet, a popular investor of all time who started early in life at 11 years old, not only saving but also investing.

By saving and budgeting wisely, you’ll be able to make smart financial decisions and avoid unnecessary debt.

In this guide on how to save money for teens specifically, we’ll explore some smart money moves that every teen should know, including setting savings goals, creating a budget, cutting expenses, increasing income, and investing for the long-term.

5 Tips on How to Save Money for Teens

Setting savings goals and creating a budget are essential steps for teenagers who want to manage their finances wisely. Here are some tips that can help you get started:

1. Figure out how much money you have

The first step in creating a budget is to figure out how much money you are making each month. This includes any allowances, part-time job earnings, or other sources of income.

Putting all you have on paper will help you decide how much resources you have at your disposal. Guess work will be avoided as you undertake the next step.

2. Track your expenses

Keep track of all your expenses for a month, including small purchases like snacks and drinks. This will help you identify areas where you may be overspending. A small note or using the note taking function of your cellphone will be handy.

You can also collect all the receipts of your purchases and file them in a folder, labelling it appropriately as expenses for a week or month whichever suits you.

3. Set savings goals

Decide how much money you want to save each month and set a specific goal. It could be for a new phone, a car, or college tuition. Having a clear target will help you stay motivated and focused. Start with a simple goal that is practically attainable.

how to save money for teens
Putting in some coins in a piggy bank will help you save as a teen.

4. Prioritize your spending

Once you know your income and expenses, prioritize your spending. Make sure your needs are covered first, such as food, transportation, and school supplies. Then allocate funds for your wants, like entertainment and hobbies.

You can prioritize your expenses using an Eisenhower matrix. Change “urgent” to “necessary”.

5. Use a budgeting tool

There are many free budgeting apps and tools available online that can help you create and track your budget. Find one that works for you and use it regularly.

By setting savings goals and creating a budget, you can take control of your finances and make smart money moves that will benefit you in the long run.

4 Strategies for Cutting Expenses and Increasing Income

One of the most important aspects of managing your money as a teenager is finding ways to cut expenses and increase income. This can be challenging, but with some effort and creativity, it’s definitely possible.

1. Look at your spending habits

One strategy for cutting expenses is to take a closer look at your spending habits. Keep track of everything you spend for a week or two, and then review the list to see where you might be able to make some changes.

For example, could you pack your lunch instead of buying it every day? Could you walk or bike to school instead of taking the bus or driving? These small changes can add up over time and help you save money.

2. Be mindful of your energy usage

Another way to cut expenses is to be mindful of your energy usage. Turn off lights and electronics when you’re not using them, and try to conserve water whenever possible. You might also consider switching to energy-efficient light bulbs or appliances, which can save you money on your utility bills in the long run. That is, if you live by yourself and has to pay the monthly bills whereever you live.

3. Increase your income

When it comes to increasing income, there are several options to consider. If you’re old enough and your parents can’t afford to support you, you might be able to get a part-time job after school or on weekends. You could also offer to do odd jobs for neighbors or family members, such as mowing lawns or walking dogs. Another option is to sell items you no longer need or use, either online or at a garage sale.

4. Turn your hobby into an income generating machine

Consider looking for opportunities to earn money through your hobbies or skills. If you’re good at photography, for example, you could offer to take photos for events or sell your work online. If you’re a talented musician, you could offer lessons to younger students or perform at local events.

By combining these strategies and being mindful of your spending and earning habits, you can take control of your finances and set yourself up for a successful financial future.

Long-Term Investing Options for Teens

As a teenager, investing may seem like something that only adults do. However, starting to invest early can have significant benefits in the long run. Here are some long-term investing options for teenagers:

1. Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a collection of stocks, bonds, and other investments managed by a professional. By investing in a mutual fund, you can diversify your portfolio without having to buy individual stocks or bonds. Mutual funds can be a good option for teenagers because they offer low minimum investments and allow you to start investing with as little as $50.

2. Exchange-Traded Funds

Similar to mutual funds, ETFs are a collection of investments that are traded on an exchange like a stock. ETFs can be a good option for teenagers because they offer low fees and allow you to invest in a diversified portfolio with as little as $10.

3. Stocks

Investing in individual stocks can be risky, but it can also be rewarding. If you’re interested in investing in stocks, it’s important to do your research and choose companies that you believe will perform well in the long run. You can start investing in individual stocks with as little as $25 through apps like Robinhood or Stash. Investing early as a teen allows you get a grasp of how stocks perform giving you an extensive experience useful in your mature, more strategic decisions as an adult investor.

Remember, investing always comes with risks, so it’s important to talk to a financial advisor or do your own research before making any investment decisions.

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