
Myra Itorralba

The Mother’s Role in Healing Plus 7 Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever

healing mother, how mothers heal, mother as healers, mothers role in healing

Natural healing is still the best approach to many kinds of illnesses. Plus, the mother’s tender loving care. I describe how this works in this article. Here are 7 natural remedies for dengue fever, highlighting the mother’s role in healing a sick member of the family.

Whenever someone in the family gets sick, ailing, or gets affected by a disease or illness, everyone is utterly concerned with apprehensions and unease. When a family member gets sick, it’s the mother who outrightly gets worried the most.

Why the Mother’s Role in Healing is Crucial

The love of a mother with all its maternal tenderness and affection for her children would always be completely encompassing and incomparable; she’s the Wonder Woman. She gives strength, support, true love, and care (TLC) to everyone else in the immediate family—the basic unit in the society. The state of being strong and the capacity for endless endurance would be steadfast.

In comparison, mothers are most likely human-AI or human-intelligent robots with guided remote control relating to a high degree for the family. Momsies prematurely wakes up early before everyone for her endless duties to tidy the house, prepare food for everyone, taking into a myriad account the supplementary substance like minerals and vitamins for the health of her family.

Typically, the mother sets up the dining table and sees that her food plating is exemplary for her kids, cleans the table every after meals 3x a day, bathes the kids and prepares them for school, fixes the bed, cleans the house again, washes the dishes thoroughly so that they’re free from dirt, contamination and or disease. She does the laundry and lets them dry under the direct sunlight. She does the budgeting, goes to the market, runs to the grocery store, and hurries back home to prepare lunch for everyone.

A few moments later, she washes the dishes once again, prepares 3 pm snacks for the family, washes the plates, cups, saucers, spoons, and other utensils that were used during the merienda time. She checks the laundry outside and then brings them inside the house. Next, she entwines and clasps closely the clean clothes, garments, and bedsheets. She returns each one of them to the corresponding dress lockers of the family members.

Again, she prepares meal portion of food that’s satisfying to one’s appetite for the 6 pm family dinner, does the dishes repeatedly at 7:30 pm, cleans the dining area and the kitchen, feeds the domesticated animals and pets, helps the kids with their school assignments and projects, irons the clothes and uniforms and smooth it at 9 pm. She then goes to bed at 10 pm onwards.

Caring for Sick Members of the Family

If her child is sick, she barely gets sleep at all, for she’s the day-and-night nurse duty for the sick kid. And then wakes up early once more to perform the routine work. Indeed, she can have a stressful day working at the house every day with no rest day.

But what if she gets sick, then who will take good care of her? And who will do the cooking and all the household chores? See, dearly beloved momsies, single parent or not, widow/widower or not, are among the not celebrated unsung heroes of today—the unrecognized legendary figure with a surmountable strength.

Mothers don’t equally get to have a day off, just like employees do. Fathers work at the office 5x a week for 5-8 hours per day, whilst a mother works exactly 24/7 a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with no day off and no vacation leave. And she painstakingly does all of this for the love of the family and kids. Hence, gentlemen, be excessively gentle and kind with a forbearing nature and help your female partner in marriage with the enormous household chores.

“Nanay ang tinaguriang ilaw ng tahanan. At tatay ang haligi ng tahanan.” (Mothers serve as the light of the homes. Fathers function as pillars of the homes.)

7 Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever

Mosquitoes serve as vectors of dengue.

If a family member gets dengue fever, here is the list of the Seven (7) Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever that loving mothers recommend:

  1. Durian. Eat a portion of native durian fruit. Durian, the King of the Southeast Asian fruits of today. This enhances the low platelets to be normal again. Contains a high level of fiber, the hybrid durian (big sizes) treats insomnia as it is more strong. But do not eat durian and coke soft drinks at the same time.
  2. Balut. The famous Filipino food is appetizer or snack as well. Good for the immune system and likewise like durian, it enhances the low platelets to be normal again.
  3. Water Therapy. The liquid form descends from the clouds and forms streams to lakes and seas. It’s a major constituent of all living matters. This cleanses and takes away the viruses found in your body.
  4. Vitamin C. Take Vitamin C a day or every other day. It can strengthen your stamina. Vitamin C is found in plants, leafy veggies, or made synthetically and used in the prevention and treatment and as an antioxidant for foods.
  5. Citrus fruits. Calamansi juice, or an orange, or pomelo fruit a day (citronella) that grows on the warm regions cultivated chiefly as vitamin C or juices. Sometimes used as a flavoring agent or in beverages, marmalade, and seasoning and fights fever, too.
  6. Moringa. Malunggay or moringa soup is rich in nutrients. Strength the bones with its high calcium content, boosts the immune system, rich in iron and Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory for injuries, arthritis, insomnia, treats gout and other sicknesses, antioxidant for eating processed foods, lowers blood sugar level.
  7. Pray and pray. Address to God with adoration and plea a sick member’s healing with thanksgiving. Praying is good for your heart as it regulates your heartbeat and provides less stress. It speeds up recovery from fever, heart attacks, cardiac surgery, improves mood and attitude, and better spiritual relationship with God.

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you (Jeremiah 29:12).

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise (James 5:13).

Excerpts from the Bible

Ideal Treat for Mothers for Those Who Care

Here are eleven (11) ideal treats for your mother that will make her feel like a queen that they truly deserve:

  1. Treat her to a back massage spa every other month for relaxation and therapeutic purposes.
  2. Bring her to an occasional hair spa.
  3. On weekends, treat her to an invigorating lunch out.
  4. Watch a movie together as a family at the movie cinema at the malls nearby once a month.
  5. Purchase a bouquet, chocolates with a personalized card on Valentine’s Day.
  6. Surprise her with special gifts on her birthday, Valentine’s day, wedding anniversaries, Christmases, and thanksgiving.
  7. Bring her to an occasional shopping spree with you.
  8. Give her a Christmas bonus and a 13th-month pay.
  9. Help her with the household chores.
  10. Provide and hire a housemaid.
  11. Attend regular Sunday Service as a family.

Shout out to all the mothers, mommies out there—God sees every single thing you lovingly do for your kids and family. Mothers, know that just as Jesus loves the children, so you are dearly loved by a Mighty God, too.

Gentlemen, helping your wife won’t inflict physical hurt on your male egotism—one of the three (3) divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves the organized conscious mediator between a person and reality.

I bet even the busiest people, the presidents of the nations, despite their hectic schedule, precariously juggle their time between work, spending quality time with the family, and helping the wife at the house. Hence, it’s perfectly fine to help your wife with the household chores. You help your friends and other people, why not pre-eminently begin the big step today and help her, too. Be a sympathetic and gentlemanly husband that you ought to be with your wife.

Show your daughters that sedentarily kind people, gentle forbearing and reliable, trustworthy husband do still exist today so she won’t have apprehensions and be overwhelmed with the responsibilities of a mother one day. Show your kids as a father you’re dutifully executing your responsibilities and affection at your own home.

After all, respect, love, and being responsible spring and come into being at your own home. Be favorably suitable and dependable role model you ought to be towards your youngsters. This enhances their contingency and chances with capacity, competence, abilities and hones them to be proficient commendable happy and successful people in the society one day. You can do it!


Anonymous, n.d. (2022). Malunggay Herbal Medicine, Health Benefits, Side Effects. Retrieved 28 January 2022, from

Kang, Anna (2020). Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Balut. Retrieved 28 January 2022, from

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