swimmers sports for growing up adolescence

Myra Itorralba

5 Growing Up Sleazy Concerns of Adolescence and the Best Interventions

adolescence, growing up concerns and interventions


Everyone has to grow up at some points in their life. Progressing from childhood to early adolescence and growing up can be somehow at times difficult with physical discomfort and happily inspiring at the same time.

There are indefinite number of agitation or stress that adolescents may deal with straightforwardly as they transition from childhood to early adulthood, such as physical changes, emotional issues, peer pressure, academic stress, and family conflicts.

football team and growing up
Football team for growing up adolescent

Here are 5 Growing Up General Sleazy Concerns of Adolescence and the Best Interventions

1.Peer pressure

Adolescence is a delicate period of social interaction and exploration, which can involve forming new friends, associating in groups or university clubs, teens dating, or trying new things that’s why school selection plays a vital role.

However, sometimes adolescents may encounter pressure from their peers to carry out things that totally gives them discomfort or that go against their set values or morals. Some of these may be smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, driving at a minor age, skipping school, bullying others, breaking the law, excessive shopping, impulsive buying, or even gambling that makes one penniless thus the tendency to be lacking in good money management and resort to borrowing a huge amount of money time and again. These can negate a negative impact for the child’s health, safety, education and future. The best interventions would be:

1.1Communicate with your child about their feelings and how they spend time with their common friends of teens. Moreover, it would be best to invite the close friends of your child in your home on weekends for lunch, so you get to know their friends and you visualize your child are safe in your own home.

1.2Pray that your child will have Christian friends to combat peer pressure. Encourage your child to have reliable friends. Christian friends will help them keep uprooted in good path and backing your refusal to succumb to peer pressure.

1.3 Communicate what you want from your child and vice versa thus you meet halfway with your teens. You create common ground for a healthy parent-child relationship.

1.4 Encourage your child to have better self-confidence and trust more on their skills and talents. Teens with low self-esteem and doubts their capabilities and talents are more apt to succumb and be influenced by negative peer pressure.

tennis player is good for adolescence
Playing tennis is good for growing up adolescence

2.Physical changes

Adolescence is a period of speedy whirlwind of progressive evolution in growth, which may be an agent that can bring about some de rail, discomfort and unsettle mind. The physical hormonal changes that occur during this stage are the development of mustache, armpit’s hair, hair on the feet, chest, change of voice and Adams apple for boys; whilst monthly period for girls, bosom, height and weight for both genders. These changes may affect how adolescent feel about themselves, the best interventions can be,

2.1 Learn all about puberty and explain to your child that physical changes are part of healthy development.

2.2 Assist your child on how to foresee and deal with physical changes. You can give examples on your adolescent experience yourself.

2.3Encourage your child to read educational books oftentimes, get enough 8 hours of sleep, eat healthy balance diet of plant-based foods with meat, and physical activities e.g., swimming, group biking, playing tennis, badminton, basketball, baseball, group discipleship, ballet.

2.4 Keep tv sets out of your kids’ bedroom. Set limits on screentime, mobile phones, computers, video games and other gadgets. Rather, develop a family media plan and with close friends.

3.Emotional issues 

Adolescence is also a period of emotional disturbance and mood swings, which can be influenced by hormonal changes, stress, peer pressure, family problems, break up relationships, and other factors. Some emotional factors amongst the teens are depression, angst, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, loneliness, and worst suicidal which can affect how they think and behave. Mental stress can be overwhelming for teens. Best interventions would be,

3.1 Help your child identify their new feelings and mood swings.

3.2 Encourage them to communicate to you specially when there is a problem instead of bottling it up.

3.3Enroll them to some dance, music and art classes.

3.4Eat healthy diet of plant-based foods, and actively engage in traditional outdoor exercise daily .

3.5Get enough sleep. Have a good sleep routine

3.6Listen to music, nature sounds, or other soothing audio.

3.7 Avoid excess coffee, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and sodas.

3.8Learn relaxation exercises, such as abdominal breathing, muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.

3.9Have a support group of close friends and go out with them once a week or on weekends.

3.10Practice mindfulness. pay attention to the present moment without judgment.

3.11 Reframe stress, which is changing the way you think about stressful situation. always think positive.

3.12Attend regular Christian Sunday service, group bible study, group discipleship and group prayer meetings with the family.

3.13 Show kids that you are hardworking. Be a role model by showing self-care, modelling positive traits and equal care to all your kids with no favoritism. Never underestimate your child. Give specific praise for job well done. These teaches them hard work and determination.

church-fellowship is good for growing up adolescent
Church-fellowship is good for growing up adolescent

4. Academic stress 

Adolescence is a period of theoretical, academic challenge and preparation for independent institution for higher learning on college or career paths. Assignments, projects, exams, deadlines, competitions, demands form teachers and parents may overwhelmed students. Best intervention for academic stress can be,

4.1Utilize fundamental resources of campus such as study groups and workshops on ideal study habits and time management.

4.2 Cultivate more on a network of people who can provide emotional support system both from family and close friends.

4.3 Keep up a healthy lifestyle evincing good health by securing enough standard sleep, typically eating well on plant base foods and traditional outdoor exercising on the average level.

4.4 Shun away from consumption of coffee, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and excessive computer games.

4.5 Teachers and parents can provide assistance with teens by being supportive and setting mise-en-scene fair limits in school projects, deadlines, exams and grades. By handling and managing concerns in a positive manner and constructively help your children to thrive better.

4.6Commend and praise the hard work and effort more, more than the accomplishments. Children are gonna continue actions that are positively reinforced by adults around.

4.7 Guide and coach your child rather than taking over. Be patient. Let them fail once in a while yet teach them to be goal oriented as well.

Jesus blesses children and commands that they come to Him

Luke 18: 16

But Jesus called the children ti him and said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

The Lord Jesus blesses the children and commands that they come to him. How can this materialize in this present generations? Through attending regular Sunday service, group discipleship, group bible study, youth ministry, pray as a family together just as you have group prayer meetings at the church and businesses.

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